Heaven's Prisoners Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Heaven's Prisoners Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Dave decide to give up pursuit of any further investigation into the plane crash incident?

2. How do Bubba and Dave deal with their respective professional activities?

3. From where is Annie?

4. Who does Dave suspect his assailant is?

5. To whom does Dave hand the girl?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who calls Dave and what does he want?

2. What does Dave find when he dives down?

3. How do Dave and Annie learn more about Alafair?

4. What is an indication of Robin's possibly over drinking?

5. Who does Dave ask to watch Annie and the house and give a brief description of the person.

6. What does Dave conclude about the incident in the bayou?

7. Who visits Dave at his home and what does Dave learn and why does he make another dive?

8. What does Dave learn from Robin before she leaves town?

9. What do Dave and Annie do in response to the event they witness?

10. What does Dave learn when he sees Dautrieve the day after the bayou incident?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

In Chapter 3, after Dave is beaten rather severely and spends the night in the hospital, he talks with the local sheriff. During the interview with the local sheriff, Dave quickly concludes that the sheriff has no intention of doing anything. Discuss one of the following:

1. Why do you think the sheriff seems uninterested in following up on a person being beaten? Do you think this is common law enforcement practice? Do you think if the sheriff had taken action and arrested Eddie Keats, Dave would not have taken punishment into his own hands and not sparked off a chain of violence? Does violence beget violence in other works and in a sense is Dave partly responsible for Annie's death and perhaps even the sheriff who declines to take the first act of violence seriously.

2. It seems many people in the "real" world expect a lot of police officers when it comes to protecting them and their property, but when it comes to enforcing laws that the people themselves break, they think the police are unfair to too zealous. (for example, the way many people respond to a ticket for a driving violation). Is this fair to the police officers? Is it just human nature to respond when "caught"? Discuss fully using examples from the book and your own experiences.

3. Trace and analyze the actions of enforcement officers, both local police and the INS and DEA agents. Are they all ethical? Humane? Competent? What are their motives for police work? Use specific examples to illustrate your statements.

Essay Topic 2

In Chapter 10, Romero calls Dave and says that he has cut a deal with Federal agents, except that Dave's refusal to come on board has stalled the process. Romero says that Dave must help him with the plea bargain or pay the consequences. Discuss the following:

1. What consequences do you think Romero has in mind?

2. Do you think it is wise and/or ethical for the government to cut a deal with Romero when he is threatening to commit another crime (i.e. the murder of Dave and/or a loved one of Dave's)?

3. Are plea bargains ethical in general? Fair? Necessary? What alternatives are there to plea bargains?

Essay Topic 3

Dave takes the law into his own hands when he decides to beat up Keats and then when he goes after Romero, one of his wife's murderers. Discuss the following:

1. When (or if) is it justified to mete out your own justice to someone who has wronged you or a loved one and broken the law in doing so?

2. What do you think it says about Dave's beliefs about the criminal justice system that he is his own judge and executioner?

3. Do you think Dave's beliefs about the justice system could influence his work as a police officer?

(see the answer keys)

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