The Haunting of Hill House Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Haunting of Hill House Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What character flaw does Luke tell Eleanor he suffers?
(a) Selfishness and immaturity.
(b) Cowardess and weakness of character.
(c) Conceit and narcisism.
(d) Selfishness and conceit.

2. What upsets the group about the illustrations in the book Luke found?
(a) The illustrations are graphic and violent.
(b) The illustrations are too childish.
(c) The illustrations are inappropriate to the material they represent.
(d) The illustrations are badly done.

3. Who mocks Eleanor about Journeys ending in lovers meeting?
(a) Dr. Montague
(b) Theo
(c) Arthur
(d) Luke

4. Who looks forward to owning Hill House?
(a) Dr. Montague
(b) Mrs. Montague
(c) Luke
(d) Eleanor

5. What does Theo accuse Eleanor of doing?
(a) Trying to draw attention to herself by becoming hysterical at the sight of the words.
(b) Erasing the words before they could document them.
(c) Writing the words herself.
(d) Paying Luke to write the words to frighten everyone.

6. Whose call did Eleanor not heed the night of his/her death?
(a) Her mother's
(b) Her father's
(c) Her neice's
(d) Her sister's

7. Who irritates Dr. Montague while he transcribes the notes of his assistants?
(a) Luke
(b) Theo
(c) Eleanor
(d) Arthur

8. Who does Dr. Montague announce will arrive the following Saturday?
(a) A fellow academic.
(b) Mrs. Montague.
(c) A famous poltergeist researcher.
(d) Luke's aunt.

9. Why does Theo tease Eleanor?
(a) She does not want Eleanor to be distracted.
(b) She is jealous. She likes Eleanor.
(c) She does not want a relationship to complicate the investigation.
(d) She wants to date Luke.

10. What does Eleanor think of Luke's confession?
(a) That it is outrageous.
(b) That it is unbelievable, but touching just the same.
(c) That it is silly and obviously a come-on.
(d) That it is sad.

11. How is Eleanor's mood in Chapter 7?
(a) Eleanor is angry.
(b) Eleanor is happy.
(c) Eleanor is sad.
(d) Eleanor is excited.

12. What does Eleanor come to believe has fallen?
(a) The attic.
(b) The tower.
(c) The house.
(d) The garage.

13. What question does Eleanor ask Theo about their conversation?
(a) Why her relationship with Luke is any of Theo's business.
(b) If Theo is jealous of her.
(c) If Theo wants Eleanor to leave.
(d) Why Theo came to Hill House.

14. What does Dr. Montague believe has caused these feelings?
(a) The house.
(b) Their experiences during the night.
(c) A poltergeist.
(d) A drug Mrs. Dudley put in their food.

15. Who takes Eleanor to get dressed?
(a) Dr. Montague
(b) Theo
(c) Luke
(d) Mrs. Dudley

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Luke find?

2. Who treats Luke like a servant?

3. Who does Eleanor decide she will not allow to go out of her life?

4. Who is concerned for Mrs. Montague?

5. Who suggests a walk to the brook?

(see the answer keys)

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