Gulliver's Travels Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gulliver's Travels Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the eagle do with Gulliver?
(a) takes Gulliver and his box back to its nest
(b) drops Gulliver and his box into a volcano
(c) drops Gulliver and his box into the sea
(d) drops Gulliver and his box on top of a mountain

2. When the magnet is parallel to the horizon, the island does what?
(a) stands still
(b) moves left
(c) raises
(d) lowers

3. Gulliver leaves the governor and returns when?
(a) when the governor is attacked
(b) when the ship is ready to sail
(c) when the governor calls
(d) when Gulliver becomes ill and needs help

4. What happens to children with the birthmark?
(a) they are immortal
(b) they are raised as slaces
(c) they are raised royal
(d) they are killed immediately

5. Gulliver is upset to find that in the past couple hundred years, humans have actually degenerated when it came to what?
(a) taking care of themselves
(b) advancing technology
(c) looking out for each other
(d) making good decisions

Short Answer Questions

1. Who proposes that health and politics are intimately linked?

2. When an immortal marries, it is annulled when the younger partner reaches what age?

3. What does the captain tell Gulliver has happened to the items Gulliver asks for?

4. In the last room, Gulliver observes that the students are doing what to words written on paper?

5. Another section of the academy is full of people trying to do what regarding their language?

Short Essay Questions

1. What other figures does Gulliver call back from the dead, in Part 3, Chapter 8 and why? What else does he learn from them?

2. What lessons does Swift try to teach about heroes through Gulliver?

3. What do you think Swift's ideas about modern science are, based on Part 3, Chapter 4?

4. Much of Part 3, Chapter 6, talks about Gulliver's encounter with a doctor who is full of ideas. One idea is that in order to cure the woes of the government, the people in the government must be seen to and whenever the people are healed, the politics and government will be healed. Gulliver thinks that that is a valid idea. Do you think that it was? Why or why not? Is such an idea still applicable in today's society?

5. What point does Swift seem to be making in Part 2, Chapter 6 and how does he use the king to make it?

6. What lesson does Swift try to teach about life and death, in Part 3, Chapter 10?

7. Why is the king's cousin, who befriends Gulliver, considered an outcast and do you think that it is fair? Why or why not?

8. What identifies the immortals in the culture, in Part 3, Chapter 10, and what sorts of things must these immortals endure?

9. In Part 3, Chapter 6, Swift again makes his views of the British government known. What are those views, how does he express them and do they still apply to modern governments?

10. How does Laputa stay in the air and do you think that such an island really could exist by using modern technology?

(see the answer keys)

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