Gulliver's Travels Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gulliver's Travels Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long does it take Gulliver to learn the language of the Lilliputians?
(a) about 3 weeks
(b) They learn his language. He does not learn theirs.
(c) about 3 months
(d) about 3 years

2. Who teaches Gulliver the language of the giants?
(a) the farmer's wife
(b) the farmer
(c) the farmer's son
(d) the farmer's daughter

3. In the garden, Gulliver was once carried off by what color spaniel?
(a) gray
(b) black
(c) brown
(d) white

4. What does Gulliver set sail with?
(a) little animals
(b) little plants
(c) little boys
(d) little girls

5. Gulliver estimated that about how many people lived in the inner city?
(a) 1,000,0000
(b) 50,000
(c) 700,000
(d) 500,000

6. How does Gulliver prosper after returning to England?
(a) He sells his cattle.
(b) He restarts his medical practice.
(c) He writes books.
(d) He runs a boarding house.

7. At first, the emperor wants to destroy the enemy fleet and, therefore subject the people to be governed by what?
(a) parliament
(b) a queen
(c) congress
(d) a viceroy

8. How old does Gulliver think the Emperor of Lilliput is?
(a) around 70
(b) around 50
(c) around 90
(d) around 30

9. Gulliver describes the dwarf shaking what from a tree and hitting Gulliver?
(a) oranges
(b) bananas
(c) pears
(d) apples

10. Instead of staying for his sentencing, where does Gulliver decide to go?
(a) Blefuscu
(b) back home to England
(c) deep into the woods
(d) to a hidden cave by the beach

11. Gulliver tells of seeing beggars with giant what?
(a) scabs
(b) lice
(c) fleas
(d) ticks

12. Gulliver explains that he loves the kitchen and has done what, since getting to the palace?
(a) learned to cook from the farmer's daughter, when the chef had gone to bed
(b) gained weight
(c) taught the chef to make English dishes
(d) learned to cook some of the queen's favorites from the chef

13. Which item did Gulliver hide from the Lilliputian guards?
(a) pistols
(b) a razor
(c) a telescope
(d) a comb

14. The Lilliputians think that fraud is worse than what offense?
(a) adultry
(b) theft
(c) arson
(d) murder

15. When the men go onto an island to find water, Gulliver becomes separated from them and then sees them rowing back to the boat with what following them?
(a) pirates
(b) a dolphin
(c) a giant
(d) a shark

Short Answer Questions

1. What convinces the farmer that Gulliver is a small human?

2. How long is Gulliver told it will be before the reading of the articles?

3. After Gulliver's schooling was complete and his first voyage was over, where did he marry and settle down?

4. According to the old written laws, Lilliputians cannot hold public office if they do not believe in what?

5. When Gulliver gets his hand free from his bonds, what do the men do?

(see the answer keys)

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