Gulliver's Travels Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gulliver's Travels Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was Gulliver schooled to become?
(a) a sailor
(b) a carpenter
(c) a surgeon
(d) a teacher

2. Why does Gulliver say that he finally left the kingdom?
(a) He wanted to explore other places.
(b) He learned of a plot against him.
(c) He took a short boat ride and became hopelessly lost.
(d) He was homesick.

3. How does Gulliver's sword scare the guards?
(a) Gulliver thros the sword across the room and it sticks in the ground next to the king.
(b) The sword falls to the ground and almost crushes them.
(c) Gulliver pretends to use the sword to stab at them.
(d) The sword catches the light and blinds them.

4. Gulliver also has to help deliver what?
(a) water
(b) messages
(c) fire wood
(d) food

5. Another provision states that Gulliver cannot come within the city limits without how much warning?
(a) eight hours
(b) forty-eight hours
(c) twenty-four hours
(d) two hours

6. How are the commoners punished for shooting arrows at Gulliver?
(a) They are pushed within Gulliver's range.
(b) They are killed.
(c) They are put in jail.
(d) They are banished.

7. Who becomes Gulliver's nurse?
(a) the princess
(b) the king
(c) the farmer's daughter
(d) the queen

8. What are the two factions in Lilliput called?
(a) the blue heels and the red heels
(b) the blue hats and the red hats
(c) the low hats and the high hats
(d) the low heels and the high heels

9. Gulliver helps the emperor's guards to search what?
(a) the shore line, where Gulliver originally washed up
(b) Gulliver's pockets
(c) the house of a suspected criminal
(d) the countryside for a missing child

10. Gulliver gets lost while running where?
(a) corn field
(b) valley
(c) forest
(d) meadow

11. Where do many people come to see Gulliver, once the farmer takes him to town?
(a) at thef armer's friend's house
(b) at an inn
(c) at the palace
(d) in a park

12. Gulliver estimated that about how many people lived in the inner city?
(a) 500,000
(b) 700,000
(c) 50,000
(d) 1,000,0000

13. How long does Gulliver stay with his wife before setting sail again?
(a) two months
(b) two weeks
(c) two days
(d) two years

14. Who came to see Gulliver, after he was rescued from the animal?
(a) the farmer and his wife
(b) the king and queen
(c) the king alone
(d) the queen alone

15. One of the provisions of Gulliver's release is that he will not leave without what?
(a) an honor guard
(b) the emperor
(c) at least five townspeople
(d) permission

Short Answer Questions

1. Out of concern for losing an eye, Gulliver does what, while swimming away from the enemy?

2. What is the last man that does not want Gulliver set free?

3. How old does Gulliver think the Emperor of Lilliput is?

4. During Gulliver's game, Gulliver saves a man and a what?

5. Gulliver describes the inner city as a collection of houses at least how many stories high?

(see the answer keys)

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