Guards! Guards! Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Guards! Guards! Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Page 50-101.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On which street is the pub where Carrot tries to arrest the bartender?
(a) Sweetheart Lane.
(b) Scoone Avenue.
(c) Dewdrop Street.
(d) Filigree Street.

2. What happens to the wall with the shadowy outlines of the flamed criminals?
(a) It is turned into a mural.
(b) It is turned into a target range by the Watch.
(c) It is destroyed.
(d) It is painted over.

3. At what age do dwarfs reach puberty?
(a) About 55.
(b) About 100.
(c) About 65.
(d) About 15.

4. According to the passwords of one secret society of Elucidated Brethren's, what does a good mother give to the errant boy?
(a) Baked beans.
(b) A butterfly.
(c) Bean soup.
(d) Bread and butter.

5. What is unusual about the Librarian of Unseen University?
(a) He is a troll.
(b) He is an orangutan.
(c) He has four arms.
(d) He is a dwarf.

Short Answer Questions

1. What rank does Carrot hold in the Watch?

2. Where does Sam Vimes hide the plaster cast of the dragon's footprint?

3. Who of the following does not inspect the footprints in the alley and the charred remains of the criminals?

4. Which pub does Carrot unintentionally start a fight in?

5. What did Carrot's adoptive parents think he would grow out of?

(see the answer key)

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