Great Expectations Test | Final Test - Medium

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Great Expectations Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of Pip's visitor during the snow storm?
(a) Magnum.
(b) Maggert.
(c) Magwitch.
(d) Maggwhim.

2. Who is pursuing Biddy when Pip comes home from London?
(a) Jenkins.
(b) Orlick.
(c) Joe.
(d) Mr. Wopsle.

3. What does Pip have to find in order to see Magwitch?
(a) The Old Red Ferry.
(b) The Old Green Copper Rope Walk.
(c) The Old White Board Walk.
(d) The Old Blue Steel Tavern.

4. What does Estella say Pip will be allowed to do when she sees him in London?
(a) Visit her mother.
(b) Write to her.
(c) Marry her if he can get rich enough.
(d) See her from time to time.

5. Why is Biddy upset with Pip when he comes home from London?
(a) She does not believe he will visit Joe.
(b) She is mad that he has insulted her beau.
(c) She is upset that he did not write to her while he was away.
(d) She feels he has become too proud.

Short Answer Questions

1. When is Pip supposed to meet with Mr. Jaggers for an important appointment?

2. With what does Miss Havisham say she replaced Estella's heart?

3. After his visit to Newgate, where does Pip see Estella?

4. For whom is Herbert going to work?

5. What happens that causes Pip to have to return to the marshes?

Short Essay Questions

1. What will happen to Magwitch if he is caught in England, and why?

2. Where is Pip living at the end of the book?

3. What does Estella ask from Pip at the end of the book?

4. What does Mr. Jaggers do when Mr. Wemmick challenges him to tell Pip the truth about Estella's birth?

5. What does Mr. Jaggers discuss with Pip when they meet on Pip's twenty-first birthday?

6. What does Orlick plan to do with Pip when he meets him on the marshes, and why?

7. Why does Mr. Wemmick visit Newgate with Pip?

8. What does Magwitch ask of Pip when he is captured?

9. What does Magwtich tell Herbert after Herbert swears his secrecy?

10. What kind of a funeral does Joe want to have for his wife, and why does he not do it that way?

(see the answer keys)

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