Great Short Works of Leo Tolstoy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Great Short Works of Leo Tolstoy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Tolstoy describe the force that overcomes Eugene Irtenev's reticence about meeting a married woman?
(a) Corrupt desire.
(b) The shameful decision.
(c) Red-blooded need for sex.
(d) The dehumanizing desire.

2. What do Marya's boredom and depression turn into?
(a) Creativity.
(b) Illness.
(c) Self-destructive behavior.
(d) Jealousy.

3. What did Ivan Ilych find in place of death?
(a) Language.
(b) God.
(c) Light.
(d) Fury.

4. How does Tolstoy say Ivan Ilych's mood changed during his illness?
(a) He became religious.
(b) He became angry.
(c) He became peaceful.
(d) He became irritable.

5. What political stance do the Muslim Tartars typically take?
(a) Pro-independence.
(b) Pro-Russian.
(c) Pro-Turkish.
(d) Anti-Russian.

6. Who did Lukashka actual kill?
(a) A Chechen.
(b) A Tartar.
(c) A Russian.
(d) A Christian.

7. How does Ivan Ilych's relationship with his wife change when he begins to work at the Court of Justice?
(a) They resume hostilities.
(b) They declare a truce.
(c) They fall out of love.
(d) They separate.

8. Why was Liza Annenskaya confined to bed?
(a) She was having fits.
(b) She was taken ill.
(c) She was having complications of her pregnancy.
(d) She tripped crossing a ditch.

9. What does Marya say she got, in her marriage to Sergey?
(a) A life of ease.
(b) A life of troubles.
(c) A life of struggle.
(d) A life of art.

10. Where does Eugene Irtenev live?
(a) The Caucasus.
(b) The country.
(c) Moscow.
(d) Petersburg.

11. What surprises Marya after her marriage to Sergey?
(a) The continual work and sacrifice.
(b) The new importance of self-sacrifice.
(c) The loss of privacy and self-possession.
(d) The absence of work and sacrifice.

12. What causes Sergey to say that he and Marya must return to the country?
(a) His affair with a girl in Moscow.
(b) Her illness.
(c) His finances.
(d) Her pregnancy.

13. Where does Marya yearn for through the winter?
(a) Paris.
(b) Greece.
(c) Moscow.
(d) Petersburg.

14. What does Dmitri encounter in the Caucasus?
(a) Bloody warfare.
(b) Coarse locals.
(c) A complex culture.
(d) Dull routine at a military outpost.

15. How does marriage make Eugene Irtenev's life easier?
(a) His wife keeps his wayward traits in line.
(b) His wife works behind the scenes to help him.
(c) His wife's family has powerful connections.
(d) His wife is pretty and flirtatious, and his superiors like to have her around.

Short Answer Questions

1. How old is Marya Alexandrovna?

2. What does Eugene Irtenev become restless for when he moves to the Semenov estate?

3. Who introduces Eugene Irtenev to Stepanida?

4. What is the relationship between Christian Cossacks and Muslim Tartars?

5. How does Tolstoy describe Marya and Sergey's feelings for each other?

(see the answer keys)

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