Going to Meet the Man Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Going to Meet the Man Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Previous Conditions, what is Peter threatened with that makes him agree to leave the apartment building?
(a) Law suits.
(b) Cutting off the electricity.
(c) Police action.
(d) Breaking and entering.

2. What do Peter and his date agree to do after dinner?
(a) Meet the next day.
(b) Go to a hotel.
(c) Meet in a week.
(d) Go to the theatre.

3. What do the conversations deal with as conversations abound at lunch in The Outing?
(a) Everyone's kids.
(b) Everyone's souls.
(c) Everyone's meal.
(d) Everyone's jobs.

4. Why is John unhappy at the end of The Outing?
(a) He missed talking to Sylvia.
(b) He senses a change in David.
(c) He loves Sylvia.
(d) He hates Roy.

5. Who does Peter have dinner with after arguing with Jules in Previous Conditions?
(a) Iva.
(b) Ira.
(c) Eva.
(d) Ida.

6. What flies towards and hits the brother while he plays across the street from the Grimes' apartment?
(a) A rock.
(b) A tree branch.
(c) A cherry.
(d) A can.

7. Which of the following does the community NOT do upon arriving to their destination?
(a) Witness to unsaved people.
(b) Take a hike.
(c) Go on picnics.
(d) Swim.

8. Who decides to go join his friends one day while they play across the street from the Grimes' apartment?
(a) Elizabeth.
(b) John.
(c) Gabriel.
(d) Roy.

9. Who carries the brother home in The Rockpile?
(a) Roy.
(b) Elizabeth.
(c) Someone.
(d) John.

10. Who suggests to Peter he fight the eviction?
(a) Peter's brother.
(b) Peter's mom.
(c) Jules.
(d) Peter's boss.

11. In Previous Conditions, what does Peter realize after he has a few drinks in Harlem?
(a) He misses home.
(b) He feels at home.
(c) He wants to move to Harlem.
(d) He does not fit in there, either.

12. What memory does Eric remember in The Man Child?
(a) Christmas when he was 8.
(b) The birthday party they had for Eric's dad.
(c) The birthday party they had for Jamie.
(d) Christmas when he was 9.

13. Who does Peter buy a drink for at the end of Previous Conditions?
(a) Himself.
(b) The man across the bar.
(c) The woman and her friend at the bar.
(d) The bartender.

14. Who comes to Peter's door and insists on his evacuation from the apartment building?
(a) The landlady.
(b) The girl across the hall.
(c) No one.
(d) Jules.

15. What does Gabriel demand to know from his wife?
(a) Why Roy was in the garden.
(b) Why Roy was not at school.
(c) Why Roy was playing in the treehouse.
(d) Why Roy was playing on the rockpile.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Gabriel react to John's snide comment?

2. Where does Eric's mom send him when he arrives home for supper?

3. Where did Eric's father take Eric in his memory?

4. Where is Eric's sister?

5. Where do the Grimes' boys sit every Saturday in The Rockpile?

(see the answer keys)

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