Gilead Test | Final Test - Medium

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Gilead Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. John writes, "I don't want to be old. And I certainly don't want to be _____________ ."
(a) Confused.
(b) Dead.
(c) A burden.
(d) Weak.

2. After Lila began attending church every Sunday, how did that impact his sermon preparation?
(a) He prepared sermons to make her feel guilty about her lifestyle.
(b) His sermons were written to please and impress her.
(c) He prepared sermons that disappointed the other church members.
(d) He prepared his sermons to please himself.

3. How does John hope to die?
(a) With a smile on his lips.
(b) In his sleep.
(c) With a quiet heart.
(d) With everyone in his life forgiven.

4. What baseball team does Jack Boughton favor?
(a) The White Sox.
(b) The Dodgers.
(c) The Yankees.
(d) The Cardinals.

5. What holiday does John say his grandfather was asked to say a few words during?
(a) Christmas.
(b) Memorial Day.
(c) New Year's Day.
(d) The Fourth of July.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does John state is one of the best traits of good people?

2. According to John, how does Jack treat words?

3. What did John say was "the last impression I want to have of this world"?

4. How old is Jack Boughton as John writes about him?

5. Who does Jack's wife's father believe Jack is descended from?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does John give Lila instruction prior to her baptism, and what is the nature of this instruction?

2. Describe the relationship Jack had with a lower-class, uneducated girl.

3. What is John's response to the possibility that there may be something approaching love between Lila and Jack?

4. What are two memories of pranks that John and Boughton share on Boughton's porch?

5. What is the nature of the conversation John and Boughton have while Lila, their son, and Glory have gone to the movies?

6. John writes an extensive contemplation of the Ten Commandments, focusing on the Fifth Commandment. What are some of his thoughts?

7. What is the content of the conversation that Jack and Lila have as John feigns being asleep?

8. What is the nature of John and Jack's first discussion at the church?

9. What are John's thoughts on "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine"?

10. How does John respond to Jack's question about his family moving to Gilead?

(see the answer keys)

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