Gilead Test | Final Test - Medium

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Gilead Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After Lila began attending church every Sunday, how did that impact his sermon preparation?
(a) He prepared his sermons to please himself.
(b) He prepared sermons that disappointed the other church members.
(c) His sermons were written to please and impress her.
(d) He prepared sermons to make her feel guilty about her lifestyle.

2. What did Jack steal from John that made him "as angry as I have been in my life"?
(a) His Greek New Testament.
(b) A photograph of Louisa.
(c) His reading glasses.
(d) A pocketknife.

3. What did Jack do to the John's front steps?
(a) Broke them.
(b) Painted molasses on them.
(c) Set them on fire.
(d) Painted them with pink paint.

4. John states he is preaching from Genesis 12:14 - 21, concerning what two biblical characters?
(a) Abraham and Issac.
(b) Adam and Eve.
(c) Cain and Abel.
(d) Hagar and Ishmael.

5. John tells Jack that it is presumptuous to judge the authenticity of anyone's ______________________ .
(a) Soul.
(b) Religion.
(c) Family.
(d) Beliefs.

Short Answer Questions

1. How old is John in 1947?

2. As a boy, what did Jack do to the John's mailbox?

3. What confession does John make about Jack as part of a burden of guilt he feels?

4. Who does Jack's wife's father believe Jack is descended from?

5. What were Jack Boughton's first words to John after he met him in church the first time?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the nature of the discussion John and Jack have about predestination?

2. Describe the nature of the letters Edward is sending home to his father and brother.

3. John states that he doesn't forgive Jack, writing "I wouldn't know were to begin." What provokes this statement?

4. What does Jack share with John that acts as a prelude to the novel's climax? Share some details about the specifics of Jack's revelation.

5. What are John's thoughts on "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine"?

6. What is the nature of John and Jack's first discussion at the church?

7. What are two memories of pranks that John and Boughton share on Boughton's porch?

8. What are Jack's reasons for coming home to Gilead?

9. How does John respond to Jack's question about his family moving to Gilead?

10. Describe the relationship Jack had with a lower-class, uneducated girl.

(see the answer keys)

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