Gilead Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Gilead Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was Boughton's childhood name?
(a) Benny.
(b) Buster.
(c) Bobby.
(d) Brewster.

2. What does Edward quote as they play catch?
(a) Psalm 100.
(b) Psalm 40.
(c) Psalm 23.
(d) Psalm 133.

3. When John and his father visited the graveyard, his father said, "I would never have thought this place could be ..."
(a) Beautiful.
(b) Dark.
(c) Lonesome.
(d) Desolate.

4. What is John's son's friend's name?
(a) Thomas.
(b) Tobias.
(c) Timothy.
(d) Todd.

5. What did John and his father trade with the widow for her two boiled eggs and two boiled potatoes?
(a) Onions.
(b) Jerky.
(c) Turnips.
(d) Confederate money.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where did John's father take him when he was twelve?

2. What is the name of the Ames family cat?

3. Why did John's grandfather take him to Des Moines?

4. Who is John's older brother?

5. John states that his wife is "an excellent woman, but unschooled in _____________________ "

Short Essay Questions

1. How does John describe being "imperishable"?

2. Describe how John learned scripture.

3. What was Jack Boughton's first meeting with Lila like?

4. What are some of John's comments on water?

5. Describe John's brother, Edward.

6. What does John learn about his grandfather and his encounter with a Union soldier?

7. According to John, what are some of the strangest things about being in the ministry?

8. Briefly recount the story John's grandfather and his friends used to tell about the citizens of a little abolitionist town.

9. Describe some of the events John and his father faced in their journey to Kansas.

10. What are John's feelings and descriptions of baptism?

(see the answer keys)

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