Gilead Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Gilead Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What vision did John's grandfather have?
(a) Jesus in chains.
(b) Jesus healing the lepers.
(c) Jesus walking on the water.
(d) Jesus on the cross.

2. What does John state happened the next day after he heard the story about the wounded Union soldier from his father?
(a) They were caught in a storm.
(b) They came to the Maine lady's farmhouse.
(c) They were shot at by an irate farmer.
(d) They found his grandfather's grave.

3. John states that "there were barrels on the street corners" so that contributions could be made to the war effort. What is placed in these barrels?
(a) Grease.
(b) Tin foil.
(c) Nylon stockings.
(d) Peach pits.

4. What popular book does Lila "melt into"?
(a) Pride and Prejudice.
(b) Anne of Green Gables.
(c) The Trail of the Lonesome Pine.
(d) Dust Be My Destiny.

5. What does John's father offer him in the ruins of the burned-down church?
(a) A cookie.
(b) A piece of sausage.
(c) A loaf of bread.
(d) A biscuit.

6. When was the only time that John did not live in Gilead?
(a) When his family lived for a while in Florida.
(b) When he served in the Army.
(c) When he served as a missionary in Africa.
(d) When he was away at seminary.

7. Why did John's grandfather take him to Des Moines?
(a) To see Ty Cobb play.
(b) To see Shoeless Joe Jackson play.
(c) To see Babe Ruth play.
(d) To see Bud Fowler play.

8. How did John get a great reputation for wisdom?
(a) By reading poetry.
(b) From having years of seminary.
(c) By ordering more books than he ever had time to read.
(d) By quoting scripture.

9. What did John say he dreamed about after his visit to the graveyard?
(a) Being lost.
(b) Ghosts.
(c) Stepping on graves.
(d) Grasshoppers.

10. Why does John Ames tell his son that he might be gone sometime?
(a) Because he's tired of living in their home.
(b) Because he has to go out of town on business.
(c) Because he needs to make a trip.
(d) Because he is old.

11. What does John say is the strangest thing about "this life, about being in ministry"?
(a) People expect you to serve them.
(b) People avoid you.
(c) People laugh at you.
(d) People change the subject when they see you coming.

12. When was John born?
(a) 1885.
(b) 1890.
(c) 1880.
(d) 1895.

13. What is the shape of the weather vane on the steeple of John's church?
(a) An arrow.
(b) A pointing finger.
(c) A cross.
(d) A rooster.

14. John tells a story about a building project in a little abolitionist settlement. What was built?
(a) A church.
(b) A dry goods store.
(c) A tunnel.
(d) A jail.

15. In John's house, which he has lived in since being a small boy, what is in the home that was the same from his childhood?
(a) An old table and a pantry.
(b) A rocking chair.
(c) A woodstove.
(d) A pie safe.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the pathway in the abolitionist town become?

2. What does John state he remembers instead of grief and loneliness?

3. What does John have stored in boxes upstairs in his house?

4. What kind of flowers does John's son and wife bring him?

5. What is Tobias's father's name?

(see the answer keys)

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