Gilead Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Gilead Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did John and his father trade with the widow for her two boiled eggs and two boiled potatoes?
(a) Turnips.
(b) Onions.
(c) Confederate money.
(d) Jerky.

2. What was Boughton's childhood name?
(a) Benny.
(b) Brewster.
(c) Buster.
(d) Bobby.

3. Who put up the swing for John's son?
(a) The narrator himself.
(b) Dan Boughton.
(c) Jack Boughton.
(d) The deacons of the church.

4. How did John lose his Greek Testament?
(a) It was inadvertantly left behind at a camp.
(b) In a retreat across a river.
(c) It was stolen by a Confederate officer.
(d) In a fire.

5. When John was a boy, a farmer was murdered with what weapon?
(a) A bowie knife.
(b) A shotgun.
(c) A lead pipe.
(d) A Confederate pistol.

6. In Gilead, what denomination attracted new people and young people after the Civil War?
(a) The Methodists.
(b) The Presbyterians.
(c) The Unitarians.
(d) The Baptists.

7. What did John say he dreamed about after his visit to the graveyard?
(a) Ghosts.
(b) Stepping on graves.
(c) Grasshoppers.
(d) Being lost.

8. How did John's father die?
(a) Of tuberculosis.
(b) Of the Spanish flu.
(c) Of the mumps.
(d) Of pneumonia.

9. When John was a child, what did he think the purpose of steeples were?
(a) To attract lightning.
(b) To assure that the church was the tallest structure in town.
(c) To point others to God.
(d) To honor ancient church architecture.

10. What does John tell his son he regrets?
(a) That he is dying.
(b) That he lost his hearing.
(c) That he was away for long periods of time.
(d) The hard times his son and his mother must have gone through.

11. Who does John feel that his son is very much like?
(a) His wife.
(b) His mother.
(c) His grandfather.
(d) His father.

12. Why had John's grandfather come to Kansas from Maine?
(a) To fight the Confederates.
(b) To plant a church.
(c) To help Free Soilers establish the right to vote.
(d) To start a family in a new community.

13. What is the cause of John's "own dark time?"
(a) Illness.
(b) Family deaths.
(c) Separation.
(d) Loneliness.

14. When John's father sees his grandfather after his encounter with the Union soldier, what is the grandfather carrying under his arm?
(a) A rifle.
(b) Two bloody shirts.
(c) A haversack.
(d) A bowie knife.

15. What did Jack Boughton call John?
(a) Papa.
(b) Brother Ames.
(c) Reverend.
(d) Uncle.

Short Answer Questions

1. What relieved Lila when she found out ________________ was not the same as work on Sundays?

2. How did John get a great reputation for wisdom?

3. John states that "there were barrels on the street corners" so that contributions could be made to the war effort. What is placed in these barrels?

4. If John lives, who does he say he will vote for?

5. What causes the death of many soldiers and others all across the country at the end of WWI?

(see the answer keys)

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