Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden,… Test | Final Test - Easy

Steve Coll
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden,… Test | Final Test - Easy

Steve Coll
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The CIA's Counterterrorist Center established a new office dedicated to bin Laden in what year?
(a) 1997.
(b) 1996.
(c) 1995.
(d) 1998.

2. When had the White House counterterrorist group grown frustrated with intelligence reports on bin Laden's whereabouts?
(a) Late summer, 2000.
(b) Early summer, 2000.
(c) Late spring, 2000.
(d) Early fall, 2000.

3. Six weeks after Massoud took Kabul, what was first on a list of strict rules imposed by religious police?
(a) Tailors displaying fashion magazines were jailed.
(b) Women washing clothes in a river were sent home.
(c) Unmarried females could not appear in public alone.
(d) Taxis must not stop for women without full burqa.

4. Bin Laden and al-Zawahiri travelled by what means?
(a) 4x4s marked as ambulances.
(b) Luxury SUVs.
(c) Camels.
(d) Small passenger helicopters.

5. Where did U.S. ships and submarines with missiles wait to receive the coordinates of bin Laden's location?
(a) Caspian Sea.
(b) Arabian Sea.
(c) Andaman Sea.
(d) Aral Sea.

6. Madeleine Albright and who else declared publicly multiple times the U.S. would align with no side in Afghan's war?
(a) Karl F. "Rick" Inderfurth, Tom Pickering.
(b) Richard Clarke, Tom Simons.
(c) Richard Clarke, Karl F. "Rick" Inderfurth.
(d) Tom Pickering, Tom Simons

7. By early 1999, Tenet was certain that bin Laden would be capable of striking the U.S. at what point?
(a) Summer 1999.
(b) Any time.
(c) Winter 1999.
(d) Spring 2000.

8. In 1996, the CIA was attempting to recover Stinger missiles but encountered what problem with the Taliban?
(a) They claimed they had none.
(b) They would sell back only damaged ones.
(c) They would not sell back the ones they had.
(d) They demanded too high a price.

9. How did Coll describe the relationship between Black and Pillar?
(a) A tight and natural partner."
(b) Distrusting of each other."
(c) "Skeptical of each other's approach."
(d) "Not a natural partner."

10. According to Chapter 26, Kahlid al Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi met in which capital?
(a) Kuwait City.
(b) Kuala Lumpur.
(c) Amman.
(d) Sana'a.

11. By fall of 1998, who seemed an ideal CIA partner at the Pentagon given his extensive Special Forces experience?
(a) General Shelton Hughes.
(b) General Hugh Shelton.
(c) General Hugh Sheldon.
(d) General Hugo Sheraton.

12. Shortly into 2000, the Counterterrorist Center picked up information that bin Laden had arrived in what location?
(a) Zawhar Kili Camp.
(b) Jalalabad Camp.
(c) Derunta Camp.
(d) Jaji Camp.

13. What is the purpose of the CIA?
(a) Prevent surprise attacks.
(b) Ensure the domestic security of U.S.
(c) Ensure security of presidents and cabinet.
(d) Ensure the international security of U.S.

14. Who headed the Pakistani army from 1998 to 1999?
(a) General Mahmoud Ahmed.
(b) General Hamid Gulr.
(c) General Pervez Musharraf.
(d) General Naseem Rana.

15. Tenet's reform program for the CIA did what?
(a) Emphasized covert actions, de-emphasized intelligence gathering.
(b) De-emphasized covert actions, intelligence gathering.
(c) Emphasized both covert actions, intelligence gathering.
(d) De-emphasized covert actions, emphasized intelligence gathering.

Short Answer Questions

1. Government lawyers debated for months under what circumstances lethal force was legal and when it constituted what?

2. The CIA prevented surprise attacks through analysis of information they distributed in reports to avoid what?

3. In addition to the Zawhar Kili camp, the U.S. used missiles where?

4. Which former Clinton lobbyist was hired by Pervz Musharraf to assure the White House his outlook was liberal?

5. The CIA and State Department issued what alert shortly after bin Laden helped publish a joint manifesto?

(see the answer keys)

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