A Gathering of Old Men Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Gathering of Old Men Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did the two men continue to fish after they heard about the murder?
(a) They were thinking about where to hide.
(b) They were waiting for their wives to call them to dinner.
(c) The were scared because of what had happened in the past.
(d) They were waiting for further instructions.

2. What is Janey's job?
(a) Driver.
(b) Servant.
(c) Bartender.
(d) Field worker.

3. Why does Janey worry when Miss Bea is gathering pecans?
(a) She is worried that Miss Bea will return before she gets her housework done.
(b) The is worried that Miss Bea will not gather enough pecans for everyone.
(c) She is worried that Miss Bea will be biten by a snake.
(d) She is worried that she is drunk and will fall in the tall grass.

4. Where did Coot's all-colored regiment train?
(a) France.
(b) California.
(c) Italy.
(d) Ft. Bragg.

5. What position did Gil play on the football team?
(a) Halfback.
(b) Quarterback.
(c) Kicker.
(d) Fullback.

6. What did Clatoo do with the shoe box?
(a) He hid the shoe box in the kitchen.
(b) He hid the shoe box behind the second block under the house.
(c) He hid the shoe box in the outhouse.
(d) He hid the shoe box in the field out back.

7. How many years had Miss Merle known Candy?
(a) All Candy's life.
(b) 25 years.
(c) Only a few months.
(d) 5 years.

8. What had Janey heard that made her believe Snookum's story?
(a) Fix's car coming down the road.
(b) The Major waking up.
(c) Miss Bea coming in the door.
(d) A shot.

9. What war did Coot fight in?
(a) Korea.
(b) WWII.
(c) WWI.
(d) Vietnam.

10. Where does Janey say that Miss Bea and Major are?
(a) Eating in the kitchen.
(b) Drinking on the porch.
(c) In the house trying to sleep.
(d) Out back in the field collecting pecans.

11. When Miss Merle is talking about "Jack" who is she referring to?
(a) Mathu.
(b) Snookum.
(c) Candy.
(d) The Major.

12. Why did people call Sully T.V.?
(a) He was a T.V. nut.
(b) He had a sixth-sense when something was about to happen.
(c) He liked the Twilight Zone T.V. show.
(d) He watched T.V. only at night.

13. Where did Chimley keep his number five shells?
(a) In a safe.
(b) In a cigar box.
(c) In a coffee can.
(d) Under the house.

14. On their way out of town, what happened to Gil and Sully?
(a) They had to drop Cal back at his dorm.
(b) They were in a car wreck.
(c) People recognized Gil and wanted to wish him well in the game.
(d) They got lost going to Marshall.

15. Where does Lou Dimes work?
(a) At the concrete plant.
(b) At the Marshall's main house.
(c) In the sugar can fields.
(d) At a newspaper in Baton Rouge.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who baked the apple pie?

2. What days did Mat and Chimley fish on the river?

3. Who teased Billy when he missed the rabbit?

4. What did Chimley's wife say when Chimley came home?

5. What did Gil want most?

(see the answer keys)

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