Gandhi, the Man Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Eknath Easwaran
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gandhi, the Man Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Eknath Easwaran
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Gandhi the Man.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When his rebellion brought Gandhi into the presence of the leader of the Transvaal government himself, what did Gandhi do?
(a) He mocked the leader.
(b) He lied to the leader.
(c) He stayed silent.
(d) He told him clearly what he was doing and why.

2. What manifested itself in proud and oppressive rule over Katurbai until her tender and forgiving example made her one of his most effective teachers?
(a) His love of his family.
(b) His rude personality.
(c) His childishness.
(d) His desire to not be married.

3. The police reaction to the Indian response was what?
(a) Minor.
(b) Weak.
(c) Peaceful.
(d) Instant and violent.

4. His daily chores were always done in the company of others, his meals were a time of what?
(a) Eating.
(b) Peace and quiet.
(c) Sharing and community.
(d) Replenishing.

5. Easwaran explains that most people see life in terms of what?
(a) People fear.
(b) People want.
(c) People have, like, desire, and fear.
(d) People have and do not have.

Short Answer Questions

1. Describe Gandhi's evening walks.

2. Part of what made Gandhi so very winsome was what?

3. Gandhi acted out of compassion for both the British and the Indians for what reason?

4. ________________ with problems of policy were welcomed to come and ask Gandhi for his advice.

5. Describe Gandhi's early time in England.

(see the answer key)

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