Gandhi, the Man Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Eknath Easwaran
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gandhi, the Man Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Eknath Easwaran
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Gandhi the Man.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. People came burdened and overwhelmed with their troubles, and left how?
(a) Laughing and lighthearted.
(b) With new ideas and beliefs.
(c) Less burdens and troubles.
(d) With new burdens and troubles.

2. Gandhi's process of learning to eliminate his fear started when?
(a) He studied law in England.
(b) He moved to South Africa.
(c) He was a child and was afraid of the dark.
(d) He was first married.

3. In addition to detachment, what was a guiding principle from the Gita to which Gandhi aspired?
(a) Undivided singleness of mind.
(b) Love for others.
(c) A calm mind.
(d) Love for the God of Love.

4. What was the source of the inspiration to which Gandhi clung?
(a) The Torah.
(b) The Bible.
(c) The Koran.
(d) The Gita.

5. Throughout these years of satyagraha in India, he continued to make friends and gain followers including who?
(a) The leaders of many nations.
(b) The poor.
(c) The wealthy and privileged Jawaharlal Nehru.
(d) The British leaders.

Short Answer Questions

1. Evenings for Gandhi were made up of what kind of meals?

2. He was such an irresistible fund-raiser for the oppressed in India that even who gave him money for his cause?

3. Seeing that his client was clearly right, and a long court battle would benefit no one but the lawyers, what was Gandhi determined to do?

4. To direct the reader to the means to learning the answer, Nagler points to whom as the perfect man to tell Gandhi's life story?

5. What is Sevagram?

(see the answer key)

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