Gandhi Test | Final Test - Easy

Louis Fischer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gandhi Test | Final Test - Easy

Louis Fischer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The Indian Congress, although mostly pacifists, was willing to bring India fully into the war for what?
(a) The compensation of becoming a free country.
(b) To help those in need.
(c) Equality.
(d) Money.

2. Nehru visited one day and argued against what?
(a) Extending the civil disobedience.
(b) Ending the civil disobedience.
(c) Postponing the civil disobedience.
(d) Another civil disobedience.

3. Since Gandhi was a man of action and was not afraid of dying, he contemplated doing what regarding the issue of India's untouchables, the lowest caste of Indians?
(a) Becoming a suicide bomber.
(b) Fasting to death.
(c) Committing suicide.
(d) Running for office.

4. With what was Fischer amazed, regarding Gandhi?
(a) His speech.
(b) His intelligence.
(c) His frailty.
(d) His fitness.

5. When violence broke out, who did the Viceroy blame?
(a) The Hindus.
(b) The Moslems.
(c) The Indians.
(d) Gandhi.

6. Did Jinnah and his followers recognize the new government?
(a) Yes.
(b) Yes, but not completely.
(c) Yes, but not at first.
(d) No.

7. The leaders of the untouchables or Harijans immediately met with whom?
(a) Indian leaders.
(b) Muslim leaders.
(c) Hindu leaders.
(d) British leaders.

8. Gandhi heard of violence in Noakhali in the province of Bengal and decided to do what?
(a) Travel there to intercede.
(b) Pray for them.
(c) Send his sons to intercede.
(d) Protest the violence.

9. What did Gandhi decide to do again?
(a) Meditate.
(b) Fast to death.
(c) Make a pilgrimage to Mecca.
(d) Travel to Pakistan.

10. Nehru became Prime Minister of India on what day?
(a) November 2, 1946.
(b) December 2, 1946.
(c) September 2, 1946.
(d) October 2, 1946.

11. How did the hatred between Hindus and Moslems affect Gandhi?
(a) It saddened him.
(b) It scared him.
(c) It tormented him.
(d) It worried him.

12. In August, 1931, Gandhi traveled with his son and entourage from Bombay to London for what?
(a) The third Round Table Conference.
(b) The fourth Round Table Conference.
(c) The second Round Table Conference.
(d) The first Round Table Conference.

13. Gandhi was saddened by the continuing violence spurred on by what?
(a) The creation of an Indian common wealth.
(b) The creation of an Indian Congress.
(c) The creation of a unified India.
(d) The creation of Pakistan.

14. When WWII broke out, what did England quickly do?
(a) Ignored India.
(b) Freed India.
(c) Sent troops to India.
(d) Engaged India.

15. How did the country feel about Gandhi living and conditions being improved for the Harijans?
(a) Nervous.
(b) Jubilant.
(c) Disappointed.
(d) Sad.

Short Answer Questions

1. These officials had gone over documents covering what?

2. What was Gandhi's passion?

3. Gandhi wrote a book on what while in jail?

4. Gandhi was very distressed but torn as he was pro-England and pro-American and ______________.

5. Why could Gandhi not reconcile himself to this fact?

(see the answer keys)

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