Galatea 2.2 Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Richard Powers
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Galatea 2.2 Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Richard Powers
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was Richard's job when he lived with C.?
(a) Tour guide.
(b) Researcher.
(c) Programmer.
(d) Museum guard.

2. Whom does Richard end up talking with, mostly?
(a) Young people.
(b) Children.
(c) Students.
(d) Old people.

3. What does Philip Lentz lead Richard to believe?
(a) That C. was trying to get in touch with him.
(b) That he was giving Richard credit for implementation C's advances.
(c) That implementation B was a failure.
(d) That implementation C had made huge strides.

4. How does Philip Lentz respond when Diana Hartrick challenges him?
(a) He insults her.
(b) He explains at length.
(c) He jumps out of his seat with a realization.
(d) He agrees that she has a valid point.

5. Of what does Richard say he is afraid?
(a) Failing in his writing.
(b) Realizing his dreams.
(c) Losing his savings.
(d) Wasting his opportunities.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Richard try to draw stories out of people?

2. What does Richard think about after he gets the invitation from Diana Hartrick?

3. What did C. feel when her family told her that they were moving?

4. What does Richard see in the photograph of Philip Lentz and his wife?

5. Why is Richard upset by his lunch with Philip Lentz and others?

Short Essay Questions

1. How are Helen and C. parallel in their relationship with Richard?

2. What leads Helen to say that she does not "want to play anymore"?

3. What breakthrough does Helen make when she analyzes love poems?

4. What is the setting of "Galatea 2.2"?

5. How does Richard begin to see his relationship with C. now that he has space from it?

6. What made C. appealing to Richard when he met her?

7. Who is A., and what is Richard's relationship with her?

8. Why does Lentz not cut into Helen?

9. What is back propagation?

10. How do Richard and Lentz differ in their approaches to the project?

(see the answer keys)

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