Galatea 2.2 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Richard Powers
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Galatea 2.2 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Richard Powers
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was C.'s job?
(a) Museum guard.
(b) Student.
(c) Programmer analyst.
(d) Marketing executive.

2. Where did Richard live with C.?
(a) In B.
(b) In London.
(c) In Paris.
(d) In U.

3. What was C.'s reaction to Richard's storytelling?
(a) She was rapt.
(b) She was patient but uninterested.
(c) She was enthusiastic and collaborated with him as he told the stories.
(d) She pretended to be interested.

4. How does Richard describe his relationship with C.?
(a) They were alone in each other's company.
(b) They became each other's best friends and worst enemies.
(c) They merged into being one person.
(d) They never really connected.

5. To what does Richard compare implementation A?
(a) Someone with autism.
(b) Someone with creative genius.
(c) A low-level amphibian.
(d) A loyal dog.

6. Why does Richard not take the position he is offered?
(a) He wants to travel.
(b) He wants to stay with C.
(c) He wants to explore other options.
(d) He has to stay with his sick mother.

7. Why is Richard upset by his lunch with Philip Lentz and others?
(a) He cannot forget the hurt feelings felt by the people Lentz insults.
(b) He is concerned that the others' research is overlooking one vital principle.
(c) He is terrified by the fragility of the current peace.
(d) He is afraid for the state of modern science.

8. With what does Philip Lentz want to test implementation B?
(a) History.
(b) Music.
(c) Moving images.
(d) Literature.

9. How does Philip Lentz refer to the location where Richard lived before coming to this location?
(a) A powerful intellectual center.
(b) The center of the world.
(c) An obscure colony.
(d) A negligible nation.

10. What surprises Richard in his reaction to the time he spends with Diana?
(a) How lonely he has become.
(b) How passionate Diana is about her research.
(c) How easily he gets along with her children.
(d) How passionate he becomes.

11. What does Richard think about Diana's part in Philip Lentz's work?
(a) He suspects that she is doing all the hard work for Lentz.
(b) He is saddened to see Diana put up with Lentz's rough personality.
(c) He is delighted for the opportunity Diana has.
(d) He feels betrayed by her duplicity.

12. Philip Lentz's tirade make Richard think of _____.
(a) V.
(b) C.
(c) U.
(d) E.

13. Who is Diana?
(a) The person answering the questions for implementation C.
(b) Philip Lentz's lover.
(c) Richard's lover.
(d) Philip Lentz's research assistant.

14. For how long were Richard and C. happy together?
(a) Ten years.
(b) Two years.
(c) Seven years.
(d) Six months.

15. What did C. begin to feel about Richard's writing?
(a) That it was more real than he was.
(b) That it was turning her into a character of his.
(c) That it was more important than anything she was doing.
(d) That it was taking him away from her.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Richard say was a mother's consolation prize?

2. What does C. get in the mail that drags her spirits down?

3. What is Philip Lentz starting to use as he works on implementation B?

4. How does Richard describe the pathways in the neural net in back propagation?

5. What is Richard worried about after his lunch with Philip Lentz and the others?

(see the answer keys)

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