Galatea 2.2 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Richard Powers
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Galatea 2.2 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Richard Powers
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Richard conclude about Lentz's feelings about working together?
(a) That he wants Richard to stay on the project.
(b) That he wants to work alone.
(c) That he wants to get help but take all the credit.
(d) That he wants to push Richard away from the project.

2. What does Diana invite Richard to after chastising him?
(a) A bar.
(b) The theatre.
(c) Dinner.
(d) A walk in the woods.

3. Why does C. not join Richard in his plans?
(a) She is involved with someone.
(b) She does not have enough money to come with him.
(c) She just was accepted into a graduate program.
(d) She does not trust him.

4. Where does Richard try to draw stories out of people?
(a) Phone calls to his friends.
(b) A local bar.
(c) Lectures at the center.
(d) The supermarket.

5. What does Richard find when he accepts Diana's invitation?
(a) She has children.
(b) She has a crush on him.
(c) She wants to spend time with him alone.
(d) She wants to tell him secrets about Philip Lentz.

6. What does Philip Lentz lead Richard to believe?
(a) That implementation B was a failure.
(b) That he was giving Richard credit for implementation C's advances.
(c) That implementation C had made huge strides.
(d) That C. was trying to get in touch with him.

7. Where does Richard move to, at the beginning of "Galatea 2.2"?
(a) The town of C.
(b) The city of N.
(c) The town of U.
(d) Chicago.

8. What did Richard and C. have to furnish their apartment?
(a) Used furniture.
(b) Inherited furniture.
(c) Dilapidated furniture.
(d) Expensive new furniture.

9. To what does Richard compare implementation A?
(a) A low-level amphibian.
(b) A loyal dog.
(c) Someone with creative genius.
(d) Someone with autism.

10. What does Richard suggest to Philip Lentz as a result of his conversation with Diana?
(a) Ears for the implementations.
(b) Eyes for the implementations.
(c) Emotional histories for the implementations.
(d) New avenues for funding.

11. What draws Richard to Philip Lentz's office?
(a) Loud conversation.
(b) He hears John Donne's poetry.
(c) Groaning.
(d) Mozart music.

12. What was C.'s job?
(a) Student.
(b) Museum guard.
(c) Programmer analyst.
(d) Marketing executive.

13. What did Richard realize when C. heard that her parents were moving?
(a) That he did not know her well.
(b) That he loved her more than he had ever loved anyone.
(c) That she was dying.
(d) That she had a history she had hidden from him.

14. What does Richard translate Diana's insight into?
(a) The imperative to teach the implementations pronunciation.
(b) Despair about the project.
(c) A theory of machine emotions.
(d) The concept of symbolic grounding.

15. What is the first step in back propagation?
(a) Build a network of supercomputers.
(b) Input data to a neural net.
(c) Program a computer to distribute information.
(d) Train a computer network to find data.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Richard think about after the scene of Philip Lentz's experiment?

2. What is implementation A?

3. What does Richard attempt to do as he settles in to his new home?

4. How does Harold Plover treat Richard at lunch?

5. How does Richard act on his decision?

(see the answer keys)

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