The Front Page Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Front Page Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the signal that Williams is safe, according to Burns at the beginning of Act 3, Part 1?
(a) Three knocks.
(b) Five knocks.
(c) The word, "safety."
(d) The word, "freedom."

2. Where does the sheriff look for Williams originally in Act 3, Part 2?
(a) The bathroom.
(b) The fire escape.
(c) The hallway.
(d) The other office.

3. What are the reporters urging the Sheriff to do in Act 3, Part 2?
(a) Find Mrs. Grant.
(b) Question Hildy.
(c) Shoot Burns.
(d) Shoot Hildy.

4. Where does Hildy hide Williams as the other reporters are coming back in Act 2, Part 4?
(a) Behind a file cabinet.
(b) The fire escape.
(c) Bensinger's desk.
(d) Underneath his desk.

5. How much money does Louie agree to give Hildy for an IOU?
(a) Two hundred dollars.
(b) One hundred dollars.
(c) Two hundred and fifty dollars.
(d) One hundred and fifty dollars.

6. How many wives treated Burns badly, as he reveals in Act 3, Part 1?
(a) Three.
(b) None.
(c) Two.
(d) Four.

7. How long does Burns think it will take his men to get there at the beginning of Act 3, Part 1?
(a) Fifteen minutes.
(b) An hour.
(c) A half hour.
(d) Ten minutes.

8. What does Burns tell Hildy on the phone in Act 2, Part 4 after hearing that Williams is with him?
(a) He will be there in a few hours.
(b) He doesn't believe him.
(c) He is coming right over.
(d) He will give Hildy a lot more money.

9. What are Hildy and Burns charged with in Act 3, Part 3?
(a) Obstruction of justice.
(b) Harboring a fugitive.
(c) Corruption.
(d) Murder.

10. What does Hildy warn Burns about the other reporters in Act 3, Part 1?
(a) That they are trying to get Burns arrested.
(b) That they know the truth about Williams.
(c) That they will be back soon.
(d) That they are trying to get Williams killed.

11. Why does the messenger give the mayor back the reprieve in Act 3, Part 3?
(a) He wants more money.
(b) He wants a better job.
(c) He forgot why he kept it.
(d) He can't be bribed.

12. What does Peggy accuse Hildy of during their argument in Act 2, Part 5?
(a) Knowing where Williams is.
(b) Corruption.
(c) Not loving her.
(d) Lying to her.

13. How many men does the sheriff tell the mayor he has sworn in as new deputies in Act 2, Part 3?
(a) Two hundred.
(b) Four hundred.
(c) Three hundred.
(d) Five hundred.

14. Who does Hidly call at the end of Act 2, Part 3?
(a) Peggy.
(b) Burns.
(c) Williams.
(d) McCue.

15. What does Burns say about Mrs. Grant to discredit her story in Act 3, Part 2?
(a) That she is drunk.
(b) That she is an angry ex mother-in-law.
(c) That she is senile.
(d) That she is blackmailing him.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does the sheriff accuse Hildy of conspiring with to hide Williams at the beginning of Act 3, Part 2?

2. What does Hildy finally tell Burns at the end of the play in Act 3, Part 3?

3. Who interrupts the sheriff's plans at the end of Act 3, Part 2?

4. Where does Hildy drag Williams to after he collapses in Act 2, Part 4?

5. Towards the end of Act 2, Part 3, as Hildy bangs on the door, what does the mayor advise the sheriff?

(see the answer keys)

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