The Front Page Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Front Page Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Peggy tell Hildy at the end of the play in Act 3, Part 3?
(a) That she thinks he should stay and write for the newspaper.
(b) That she needs the money he took before.
(c) That they missed their train.
(d) That she loves him just the way he is.

2. How long does Burns think it will take his men to get there at the beginning of Act 3, Part 1?
(a) Ten minutes.
(b) Fifteen minutes.
(c) A half hour.
(d) An hour.

3. How much of a reward does the sheriff offer the deputies to kill Williams?
(a) Two hundred dollars.
(b) One thousand dollars.
(c) Three hundred dollars.
(d) Five hundred dollars.

4. Where does Burns tell Louie to go at the end of Act 3, Part 1?
(a) To go and get the police.
(b) To go and get the Mayor.
(c) To go and get people to move the desk.
(d) To go and get people to distract the police.

5. What does Williams tell Hildy about the gun he is holding in Act 2, Part 4?
(a) It is empty.
(b) It is the only thing keeping him alive.
(c) It is loaded.
(d) It is the murder weapon.

6. How much money does Louie agree to give Hildy for an IOU?
(a) One hundred dollars.
(b) Two hundred dollars.
(c) Two hundred and fifty dollars.
(d) One hundred and fifty dollars.

7. What is Burns planning to do with Williams in Act 2, Part 5?
(a) Keep him hidden at the pressroom.
(b) Turn him in.
(c) Give him to Hildy.
(d) Transport him to the paper.

8. Who is with the reporters as Hildy opens the door at the end of Act 3, Part 1?
(a) The mayor.
(b) The sheriff.
(c) Mollie.
(d) Williams.

9. What does Burns say about Mrs. Grant to discredit her story in Act 3, Part 2?
(a) That she is blackmailing him.
(b) That she is drunk.
(c) That she is senile.
(d) That she is an angry ex mother-in-law.

10. What does Peggy accuse Hildy of during their argument in Act 2, Part 5?
(a) Corruption.
(b) Not loving her.
(c) Lying to her.
(d) Knowing where Williams is.

11. What does Hildy finally tell Burns at the end of the play in Act 3, Part 3?
(a) That he wants the money he owes him from before.
(b) That he staying with the newspaper for good.
(c) That he will write stories in his own way.
(d) That he is leaving the newspaper for good.

12. After his phone conversation, what does the Sheriff do in Act 3, Part 2?
(a) He arrests Hildy and Burns.
(b) He arrests Bensinger.
(c) He arrests Mollie, Hildy, and Burns.
(d) He arrests Mollie and Hildy.

13. How does Burns tell Hildy he is behaving when he protests Mrs. Grant being taken away?
(a) Stupidly.
(b) Childishly.
(c) Wisely.
(d) Selfishly.

14. What does the sheriff do after hearing the mayor's instructions in Act 3, Part 3?
(a) Refuses to follow them.
(b) Leaves the room immediately.
(c) Apologizes.
(d) Resigns.

15. What does Hildy warn Burns about the other reporters in Act 3, Part 1?
(a) That they will be back soon.
(b) That they are trying to get Williams killed.
(c) That they know the truth about Williams.
(d) That they are trying to get Burns arrested.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Woodenshoes tell Hildy that Williams is likely to be in Act 2, Part 4?

2. As he escorts the messenger out in Act 2, Part 3, what does the Mayor tell him to do?

3. In reaction to Mrs. Grant's testimony in Act 3, Part 2, how does Burns inadvertently reveal where Williams is hiding?

4. What state of mind is the messenger in when he first enters in Act 3, Part 3?

5. Who hangs up angrily on Hildy in Act 2, Part 4?

(see the answer keys)

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