Frindle Test | Final Test - Hard

Andrew Clements
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Frindle Test | Final Test - Hard

Andrew Clements
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Mrs. Granger not give Nick the letter that she has written to him?

2. How does Nick introduce his new word?

3. Where does Nick choose to introduce his new word to the school?

4. When the reporter looks at what is in the envelope, what does she realize about her trip to the school?

5. Why does the newspaper article stir up trouble?

Short Essay Questions

1. After class on the first day that Nick uses the word "frindle" in class, what does Mrs. Granger tell him?

2. What does Mrs. Granger tell the newspaper reporter in Chapter Ten, "Freedom of the Press"?

3. In Chapter Eight, "Mightier than the Sword," how does Nick feel when Mrs. Granger asks him to stay and talk to her after school, and why does he feel this way?

4. After what happens with the fifth grade picture, what does Mrs. Granger do?

5. What happens when Pete suggests that they try to get all of the fifth graders to ask Mrs. Granger for a "frindle"?

6. When the television reporter comes to interview Nick, what two things does Mrs. Allen do to try to make sure that the interview goes well?

7. What happens when the fifth grade picture is taken?

8. After they first hear the word "frindle," how do the class and Mrs. Granger react?

9. Why does Judy Morgan end up writing a story about the "frindle"?

10. What reactions do Nick's mother and the school district have to the newspaper article about "frindle"?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Mrs. Granger's letter changes the way the reader sees her and changes the way the reader understands certain parts of the story. Explain what is in Mrs. Granger's letter and how the things that this letter reveals change the reader's understanding.

Essay Topic 2

"Freedom of speech" does not mean that everyone is allowed to say whatever they want without having to face any consequences--it just means that the government is not allowed to stop people from saying what they want to say. Choose an example from real life or from a story when a person chose to express an idea that other people disagreed with. Explain what the idea was and what consequences the speaker faced. Finally, in the end of your essay, explain whether you think these consequences were fair, and why. Make sure to give credit to your sources.

Essay Topic 3

If you were a language arts teacher and one of your students made up a new word, how would you react? Give details of how you would feel, what you would say and do, and explain why.

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