Friedrich Test | Final Test - Easy

Hans Peter Richter
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Friedrich Test | Final Test - Easy

Hans Peter Richter
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The narrator picks what up and uses it?
(a) A canister of tear gas.
(b) A bullhorn.
(c) A hammer.
(d) A pistol.

2. What does the doctor begin chanting as Frau Schneider is dying?
(a) "Hear O Israel."
(b) The Book of Genesis.
(c) The Lord's Prayer.
(d) The 23rd psalm.

3. What does Dr. Levy place beside Frau Schneider's body?
(a) A cross.
(b) A marzuka.
(c) A copy of the torah.
(d) A lit candle.

4. When Friedrich tries to run out of the theater, who stops him?
(a) An old usherette.
(b) A policeman.
(c) No one.
(d) The narrator.

5. Why do they decide not to let Friedrich stay?
(a) Because Friedrich is a Jew.
(b) Because Resch threatens to report them all.
(c) Because no one is allowed in after the raid starts.
(d) Because Friedrich has no identification.

6. Who do they open the shelter door to find?
(a) Two elderly rabbis.
(b) A dog.
(c) Friedrich.
(d) No one.

7. What indications are there that the air raid siren is not a false alarm?
(a) The apartment building is shaking.
(b) Anti-aircraft guns thunder; searchlights sway across the sky, planes hum, and shrapnel falls.
(c) A policeman with a bullhorn is yelling to the residents.
(d) A piece of tree limb flies into the window.

8. How does Friedrich meet Helga?
(a) The narrator introduces them.
(b) She came to visit her sister's gravesite.
(c) His father invited her to visit.
(d) Her bag of apples splits and he helps her gather them up.

9. What does the rabbi insist upon doing?
(a) Meeting the narrator and thanking him.
(b) Leaving the Schneider home.
(c) Saying the Sabbath prayers.
(d) Taking off the Star of David on his jacket.

10. Who is led out in handcuffs?
(a) Friedrich and the rabbi.
(b) Herr Schneider and Friedrich.
(c) The rabbi only.
(d) The rabbi and Herr Schneider.

11. Why does Herr Schneider bring Dr. Levy to the narrator's apartment?
(a) To introduce him to their friends.
(b) To help the narrator who broke his finger.
(c) To ask for asylum.
(d) To sterilize his last syringe.

12. What does the narrator's father advise Friedrich to do?
(a) Hide in the basement which is empty.
(b) Leave Germany if at all possible.
(c) Give himself up and hope for mercy.
(d) Stay in the apartment during the air raid.

13. Who helps the rabbi thread a needle?
(a) No one.
(b) Friedrich.
(c) Herr Schneider.
(d) The narrator.

14. What does Friedrich do to Resch?
(a) Spits in his face.
(b) Offers his forgiveness.
(c) Slaps him.
(d) Kills him.

15. Why doesn't Friedrich meet with the girl as agreed upon?
(a) He decides he does not like her.
(b) He is afraid for her safety.
(c) He forgets where they are to meet.
(d) He worries she will turn him in.

Short Answer Questions

1. For what has the narrator been reprimanded?

2. What does the doctor advise Frau Schneider to do?

3. Who are Schloime and Gitte?

4. What is the rabbi sewing on his clothes?

5. What does Friedrich put on at the synagogue?

(see the answer keys)

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