Freshwater: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

Akwaeke Emezi
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Freshwater: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

Akwaeke Emezi
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Asughara states that she had been tired after whose departure?
(a) Malena.
(b) Anuli.
(c) Ewan's.
(d) Soren's.

2. What plan of Asughara's is brought to a halt by Ala?
(a) Her plan to help Ada die.
(b) Her plan to escape from Ada's body.
(c) Her plan to murder The We.
(d) Her plan to destroy the brothersisters.

3. The brothersisters tell Asughara that she smells of what?
(a) Bad bile.
(b) Bad blood.
(c) Bad phlegm.
(d) Bad flesh.

4. What does Ewan confess to Ada in Chapter 18?
(a) That he is asexual.
(b) That he cannot imagine his life without her.
(c) That he is gay.
(d) That he had never loved her.

5. Ada and the young man who touches her breasts against her will are related in what way?
(a) Second cousins.
(b) They are not related.
(c) Cousins.
(d) Niece and uncle.

6. When the brothersisters touch or strike Asughara, she feels as if what type of weapon is piercing her?
(a) A dagger.
(b) A tire iron.
(c) A machete.
(d) A stake.

7. The We say that prior to Ada's surgery, they had considered Ada's body to be what?
(a) Ada's possession alone.
(b) A shared possession.
(c) Invincible.
(d) Malleable.

8. When Chima flies in to visit Ada, he tells her that he has bad news about which of her relatives?
(a) Her cousin.
(b) Her godson.
(c) Her uncle.
(d) Her nephew.

9. Who narrates Chapter 16?
(a) Ada.
(b) Asughara.
(c) The We.
(d) Ala.

10. Who is the narrator of Chapter 11?
(a) Ala.
(b) Asughara.
(c) The We.
(d) Ada.

11. The brothersisters are said to be older than whom?
(a) The first mother.
(b) Yshaw.
(c) Ala.
(d) Adam.

12. The Igbo term "Yshaw" (139) is used to refer to whom throughout the novel?
(a) Pontius Pilate.
(b) The holy ghost.
(c) The Virgin Mary.
(d) Jesus Christ.

13. What type of shadows does Ada describe as following Saachi?
(a) Hidden.
(b) Dark.
(c) Clawed.
(d) Plain.

14. From whose "side" does Saint Vincent "slough" (122) in order to inhabit Ada?
(a) Asughara.
(b) The We.
(c) Ada.
(d) Ala.

15. The second thing that emerges from the brothersisters is what?
(a) An old man.
(b) A young boy.
(c) An old woman.
(d) A young girl.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who narrates Chapter 17?

2. After Ada's rape, she is no longer able to communicate with whom in traditional ways?

3. The We state that though Ada cares for many different people, they only hold in high regard how many humans?

4. How does Ada feel about it when people begin to mistake her for a boy?

5. Who is the narrator of Chapter 10?

(see the answer keys)

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