Free to Choose: A Personal Statement Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Free to Choose: A Personal Statement Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The union does all but the following for its members:
(a) negotiates terms of employment
(b) negotiates wages
(c) represents them in a grievance hearing
(d) pays for their on-the-job meals

2. As a result of inflation, there is:
(a) no change in prices
(b) more goods and services to buy
(c) an increase in prices
(d) decrease in prices

3. What must an interstate public carrier have in order to operate?
(a) permission from the state
(b) none of the above
(c) a big trucking company
(d) certificate of public convenience and necessity

4. Parents who send their children to private schools:
(a) still pay taxes for public schools
(b) pay not taxes for public schools
(c) none of the above
(d) pay a lower amount of taxes for public schools

5. Friedman believes that the income tax system is:
(a) equitable
(b) needs more loopholes
(c) based on ability to pay
(d) in need of reform

Short Answer Questions

1. The railroads:

2. What items have not functioned as money over time:

3. What does Friedman believe would be an effective way of reversing the trend toward bigger government?

4. Which of the following is considered a form of government assistance to construction workers?

5. Attendance at school became mandatory in all states in:

Short Essay Questions

1. As America was settled, what was one of the first things communities established?

2. What are Friedman's views regarding big government?

3. What does Friedman feel has been more damaging that government spending in terms of government controls?

4. Explain the relationship between the economic policy and the intellectual climate?

5. What are the two big issues faced in new drug approval?

6. What is the purpose of a labor union?

7. What have parents been complaining of in recent years regarding public education?

8. How do industries gain control, or capture, the commission that regulates them?

9. What are the political realities of a democratic system, according to Friedman?

10. Who benefits the most from a school voucher program?

(see the answer keys)

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