Franny and Zooey Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Franny and Zooey Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What problem do the Glasses have with conversation?
(a) They are too smart for others.
(b) They rarely have conversations.
(c) They don't talk, they expound.
(d) They don't like to talk.

2. What does Zooey do in Buddy's room?
(a) He makes a phone call.
(b) He reads his script.
(c) He writes a letter.
(d) He changes his shirt.

3. Who is Zooey afraid Franny's crusade will hurt?
(a) Franny.
(b) A wonderful college professor of Zooey's.
(c) Buddy.
(d) Franny's college friends.

4. What is it that Franny expresses that she is so bothered by?
(a) The stupidity of attending college.
(b) People's lack of caring.
(c) The falseness of praying.
(d) The falseness of intelligent people.

5. What did Zooey say that made Franny realize she wasn't talking to Buddy?
(a) He explained why Zooey smokes cigars.
(b) He said that Zooey did not know what he was talking about.
(c) He said that Zooey was destructive.
(d) He said that Zooey was a lunatic.

6. What did Seymour use as a motivation for both Buddy and Franny?
(a) A thought of their mother.
(b) A thought of a famous actor.
(c) A thought of Jesus.
(d) A thought of the Fat Lady.

7. What is Zooey doing as he tells Bessie the tale of the pilgrim?
(a) He is filing his nails.
(b) He is shaving.
(c) He is bathing.
(d) He is brushing his teeth.

8. What are chakras?
(a) The seven subtle centers in the body.
(b) Musical instruments.
(c) People who pray.
(d) Prayers.

9. How does Zooey think about Lane?
(a) Zooey thinks Lane is not good for Franny.
(b) Zooey thinks Lane is worried about Franny.
(c) Zooey thinks the relationship is strong.
(d) Zooey thinks Lane is a charmer and a fake.

10. Why doesn't Zooey want to leave New York?
(a) His family is in NY.
(b) He hates every other city.
(c) It is his hometown.
(d) He is afraid to travel.

11. What medical problem does Zooey have?
(a) An ulcer.
(b) A heart murmur.
(c) High blood pressure.
(d) Headaches.

12. In what book of the Bible does the pilgrim find the line, "Pray without ceasing"?
(a) Corrinthians.
(b) Psalms.
(c) Thessalonians.
(d) Numbers.

13. What is on the back of Buddy's bedroom door?
(a) Quotations from a variety of world literature.
(b) A picture of Jesus.
(c) Awards from the television show he was in as a child.
(d) Quotations from the Bible.

14. What poet does Franny love?
(a) Jane Austin.
(b) Emily Dickinson.
(c) Elizabeth Browning.
(d) Gwendolyn Brooks.

15. Zooey says that when one first begins the prayer, one should do what, as told in the pilgrim's tale?
(a) Keep saying the prayer.
(b) Find a monk.
(c) Be under the supervision of a qualified teacher.
(d) Find a good church to go to.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Franny tell Bessie that she wants to talk to?

2. Why doesn't Zooey want to get married?

3. What does Franny say that she and Zooey have in common?

4. What made Franny quit the Bible and go straight to Buddha?

5. Zooey says that the only thing that counts in the religious life is what?

(see the answer keys)

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