Franny and Zooey Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Franny and Zooey Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why doesn't Buddy go home after Seymour's funeral?
(a) He can't face his mother.
(b) He lives too far away.
(c) He is afraid.
(d) He is too sad.

2. The pilgrim in the book that Franny has been reading is searching for what?
(a) Heaven.
(b) A better life.
(c) A way to pray incessantly.
(d) God.

3. How does Lane react to what happens to Franny at the end of the chapter entitled Franny?
(a) He is angry.
(b) He finds the whole thing amusing.
(c) He is worried about Franny.
(d) He is embarrassed.

4. What does Lane tell Franny right before she excuses herself from the lunch table a second time?
(a) She looks pale.
(b) She should eat.
(c) He tells her he loves her.
(d) She should stop obsessing over the prayer.

5. How has Bessie been handling the problem with Franny?
(a) She paints the apartment.
(b) She tells Franny to get up off of the couch.
(c) She has called a psychiatrist.
(d) She makes her chicken broth.

6. What does Franny tell Lane about the letter?
(a) She mailed it weeks before.
(b) She was glad that she wrote it.
(c) That it was difficult to write.
(d) She wished she had never written it.

7. Lane and Franny dine at Sickler's restaurant for what reason?
(a) It is the "in" place for college intellectuals.
(b) There was nowhere else to go.
(c) It is their favorite restaurant.
(d) They love the food.

8. What does Buddy apologize in the letter for doing to Zooey and Franny?
(a) Buddy and Seymour neglected them because the boys were so much older.
(b) Buddy and Seymour teased them incessantly.
(c) Buddy and Seymour force them to read Shakespeare and Homer.
(d) Buddy and Seymour filled their heads with metaphysical information.

9. What does Lane want to mainly talk about during the lunch with Frannie?
(a) Franny's father.
(b) Franny's book.
(c) Franny's lack of hunger.
(d) A paper he wrote.

10. Who does Zooey say Bessie should invite to join them in the bathroom?
(a) The painters.
(b) The girls from the school across the street.
(c) Les.
(d) Franny.

11. How long passes before Buddy returns home after Seymour's funeral?
(a) Six months.
(b) One year.
(c) Ten years.
(d) Five years.

12. What does Zooey say about Bessie's interpretation of religion?
(a) The message of the New Testament is to take shorter baths.
(b) Bessie needs to go to church to learn something.
(c) Bessie has no idea what she is talking about.
(d) That Bessie believes the message of the New Testament is an improper diet.

13. When Frannie asks Lane if he received her letter, he responds by saying what?
(a) "Yes, I got it Wednesday."
(b) "Which letter?"
(c) "Yes, I am glad your dad's X-rays were good."
(d) "The one that had such scattered thoughts?"

14. How would Seymour react if he knew Buddy was lecturing Zooey about acting and his education?
(a) Seymour would be smiling.
(b) Seymour would be angry.
(c) Seymour would not care.
(d) Seymour would be frightened.

15. What time of year is it?
(a) Fall.
(b) Spring.
(c) Summer.
(d) Winter.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Bessie wear while at home?

2. How does Lane react to the pilgrim story?

3. What did Seymour tell Buddy was his "wooden leg"?

4. What feature of Bessie's is compared to a deposed Balkan queen's?

5. What does Franny tell Lane is the reason why she can't lend him the pilgrim book that she has been reading?

(see the answer keys)

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