Franny and Zooey Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Franny and Zooey Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Zooey (pgs. 119-147).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was Lane's paper about?
(a) Shakespeare.
(b) Tolstoy.
(c) Flaubert.
(d) Freud.

2. In the letter that Buddy writes, he suggests a future for Zooey that his mother also wants for Zooey. What is the suggestion?
(a) For Zooey to continue to be an actor.
(b) For Zooey to get his PhD.
(c) For Zooey to find a wife.
(d) For Zooey to move out of the house.

3. Lane tells Franny that it has been a month since they last did what?
(a) Visited their families.
(b) Danced.
(c) Drank together.
(d) Slept together.

4. How does Zooey treat Hess when Hess offers him a new script?
(a) He is rude to him.
(b) He is happy.
(c) He is ecstatic.
(d) He is angry.

5. Lane and Franny dine at Sickler's restaurant for what reason?
(a) There was nowhere else to go.
(b) It is the "in" place for college intellectuals.
(c) They love the food.
(d) It is their favorite restaurant.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Seymour tell Buddy was his "wooden leg"?

2. What does Franny believe is the worst culprit in this game of hypocrisy?

3. Why does Franny believe that Professor Tupper detests her?

4. What does Buddy apologize in the letter for doing to Zooey and Franny?

5. What does Zooey say is his Achilles' heel?

(see the answer key)

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