Foxfire 9 Test | Final Test - Easy

Eliot Wigginton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Foxfire 9 Test | Final Test - Easy

Eliot Wigginton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. From what profession did Henry Harrison Mayes retire?
(a) Teaching.
(b) Farming.
(c) Coal mining.
(d) Practicing law.

2. What helped people interviewed in Foxfire 9 escape panthers when they were being pursued by these wild animals?
(a) They would make loud noises to scare the panthers away.
(b) They outran the panthers.
(c) They would enter a stream since panthers don't like water.
(d) Their hunting dogs or the rearing of their horses.

3. What did Jud Nelson's uncle do for a living?
(a) He was a deputy sheriff.
(b) He was a blacksmith, a fiddle player, and a wood carver.
(c) He was a physician.
(d) He was a piano teacher.

4. What did the people interviewed in Foxfire 9 say that the scream of a panther sounds like?
(a) A nail on a blackboard.
(b) The scream of a human being.
(c) A crying baby.
(d) A police siren.

5. What does Mitch Anderson recall there being in front of the Rothell cabin in his youth?
(a) A large maple tree.
(b) A garden.
(c) A peony bush.
(d) A statue.

6. With what Indian tribe did the county in which the Rothell house was originally built make treaties to obtain the land?
(a) The Cherokee.
(b) The Comanche.
(c) The Iroquois.
(d) The Sioux.

7. What animal did Ada Crone think followed her home from the circus?
(a) A hyena.
(b) A panda.
(c) An elephant.
(d) A tiger.

8. What was a reason people interviewed in Foxfire 9 gave for panthers entering homes?
(a) To follow dogs or cats indoors.
(b) Searching for food.
(c) To get dry during rainy weather.
(d) To get warm during cold weather.

9. From which U.S. president did Henry Harrison Mayes solicit assistance in getting the highway department to allow him to place his signs?
(a) Richard Nixon.
(b) Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
(c) Jimmy Carter.
(d) Harry Truman.

10. What did D. B. Dayton's family sell for extra money during his childhood?
(a) Dogs.
(b) Sassafras.
(c) Walnuts.
(d) Apples.

11. What kind of signs has Henry Harrison Mayes made since his youthful accident?
(a) Signs advertising local businesses.
(b) Signs to remind humans to repent of sin and accept God.
(c) Traffic signs.
(d) Signs advertising soda pop.

12. What happened after Henry Harrison Mayes attended the strip show?
(a) He was arrested when the show was raised by police.
(b) He fell in love with one of the women in the show.
(c) His church questioned his actions and he left the church.
(d) The people in the strip show repented & joined his church.

13. What kind of mill did D. B. Dayton's grandfather own?
(a) A syrup mill.
(b) A sawmill.
(c) A paper mill.
(d) A gristmill.

14. Where was D. B. Dayton cared for when he developed tuberculosis as a child?
(a) At a hospital.
(b) At home.
(c) At his grandparents' home.
(d) At a sanitarium.

15. What did D. B. Dayton and his family eat for dinner when they picked clay peas?
(a) Fried chicken and mashed potatoes.
(b) Pinto beans and cornbread.
(c) Catfish and turnip greens.
(d) Buttermilk and baked sweet potatoes.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Ruth Holcomb, what did a bald eagle do to a baby?

2. What fruit did D. B. Dayton not know how to peel the first time he ate one?

3. At what specific place did Charles Phillips one day feel compelled to go pray?

4. What did D. B. Dayton's family do with the eggs they raised on their farm?

5. What kind of accident was Henry Harrison Mayes involved in when he was a young man?

(see the answer keys)

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