The Fourposter Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Fourposter Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is Agnes in the beginning of Act 3, Scene 1?
(a) Searching for something on the floor.
(b) Seated at her dressing table.
(c) Entering through the door.
(d) In bed sleeping.

2. What is Michael's reaction after reading the young poet's work?
(a) Jealous of how good it is.
(b) Brought to tears of sadness.
(c) Appalled.
(d) Indifferent.

3. Who is the young poet's work dedicated to?
(a) Agnes.
(b) Michael.
(c) Agnes and Michael's son.
(d) Agnes and Michael's daughter.

4. What is Agnes' decision about the bedclothes in Act 3, Scene 2?
(a) She is leaving them on the bed.
(b) She wants to throw them away.
(c) She wants Michael to keep them.
(d) She wants to donate them to the poor.

5. Why does Michael ask to reread the young poet's works a second time?
(a) To show that he is better than every other writer.
(b) Because Michael sincerely likes the poet's work.
(c) To prove something to Agnes.
(d) Because he is trying to steal the poet's work.

6. Where is Agnes when Act 2, Scene 2 begins?
(a) Sleeping in the fourposter.
(b) In the bathroom.
(c) Brushing her hair in the mirror.
(d) Entering through the door.

7. What does Agnes say she does not want to argue about in the last scene?
(a) Who her son marries.
(b) What to leave on the bed.
(c) Where she and Michael are moving.
(d) Her children's lives.

8. In Act 2, Scene 2, about how much time has passed since the last scene?
(a) A few days.
(b) Seven years.
(c) One year.
(d) A few months.

9. What is the first thing that Michael and Agnes agree about in Act 2, Scene 2?
(a) The description of the taste of the bourbon.
(b) Concern over the fact their son has not come home.
(c) The fact that they are both tired and need rest.
(d) Concern over their financial issues.

10. What does Agnes plan to do with the "God Is Love" pillow in the end of the play?
(a) Give it to her daughter.
(b) Leave it on the bed.
(c) Throw it away.
(d) Take it with her.

11. What is Agnes holding in the beginning of Act 3, Scene 1?
(a) A bouquet that matches her gown.
(b) A comb and hand mirror.
(c) Her folded wedding dress.
(d) Michael's book.

12. What does Michael accuse Agnes of in Act 2, Scene 2?
(a) Being too lenient with their son.
(b) Disciplining their son too much.
(c) Being an alcoholic.
(d) Having an affair.

13. What does Agnes describe herself as being all her life?
(a) Happy and content.
(b) Lonely and sad.
(c) An adolescent with a longing heart.
(d) Someone's mother and wife.

14. How does Agnes describe this day to Michael in Act 3, Scene 1?
(a) The end of their marriage.
(b) The first day of their divorce.
(c) The start of a better life.
(d) The first day of their vacation.

15. What is Agnes' response when she hears what Michael tells their son?
(a) She does not care.
(b) She is incredulous.
(c) She is angry.
(d) She starts crying.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Agnes sees her husband bewildered at the end of Act 2, Scene 2, what does she do?

2. How does Act 3, Scene 2 conclude?

3. What is Agnes' reaction after Michael finishes reading the young poet's work?

4. What does Agnes clearly express that she does not want in Act 3, Scene 1?

5. Why is Michael so angry about the bourbon bottle?

(see the answer keys)

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