Four Quartets Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Four Quartets Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The first part of "Burnt Norton" says that footfalls echo in what?
(a) The memory.
(b) The bowl of rose-leaves.
(c) Time future.
(d) The rose-garden.

2. In what are the "Earth feet, loam feet" of Part I of "East Coker" lifted?
(a) Panicked flight.
(b) Solemn jest.
(c) Somber rituals.
(d) Country mirth.

3. What is happening to "the hills and the trees, the distant panorama / And the bold imposing facade" in "East Coker"'s second part?
(a) They are being disintegrated.
(b) They are being devoured.
(c) They are being rolled away.
(d) They are being covered up.

4. The final line of Part III of "East Coker" claims that "where you are is" what?
(a) Where you have been.
(b) Where you are.
(c) Where you are not.
(d) Where you will be.

5. From what is man said in Part II of "Burnt Norton" to be protected by the "enchainment of past and future" in the body?
(a) Heaven and damnation.
(b) Freedom and expression.
(c) Sin and sight.
(d) Reality and truth.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the "wounded surgeon" ply in the first line of Part IV of "East Coker"?

2. What does the speaker state is eternally present in Part I of "Burnt Norton"?

3. What is desiccated when the speaker descends into a different world in the latter lines of "Burnt Norton," Part III?

4. Which of the following does the speaker wish to hear of concerning old men, in "East Coker," Part II?

5. By what are "Men and bits of paper" whirled about in "Burnt Norton," Part III?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does the speaker mean in the latter lines of Part III of "Burnt Norton" when he states that "This is the one way, and the other / Is the same"?

2. What does the speaker mean when he states in Part V of "East Coker" that "there is no competition - / There is only the fight to recover what has been lost And found and lost again and again"?

3. What are the other echoes which inhabit the rose-garden in Part I of "Burnt Norton"?

4. Why does the speaker find "only a limited value / In the knowledge derived from experience" in Part II of "East Coker"?

5. Why does the speaker claim in Part II of "Burnt Norton" that "To be conscious is not to be in time"?

6. What does the speaker mean in Part II of "Burnt Norton" when he states at the still point of the turning world, "there the dance is, / But neither arrest nor movement"?

7. What does the speaker mean by commanding, in Part III of "East Coker," that one wait without hoping or loving, and that "the faith and the love and the hope are all in the waiting"?

8. What purpose is served by the string of paradoxical statements at the end of Part III of "East Coker"?

9. What is meant by "Only by the form, the pattern, / Can words or music reach / The stillness" in "Burnt Norton"'s fifth part?

10. What is the significance of the first 13 lines of "East Coker"?

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