Four Quartets Test | Final Test - Easy

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Four Quartets Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The speaker asks in Part II of "The Dry Salvages" when there will be an end to "the unprayable / Prayer at the calamitous" what?
(a) Apocalypse.
(b) Amelioration.
(c) Assumption.
(d) Annunciation.

2. With what does the speaker's old master leave him at the end of Part II of "Little Gidding"?
(a) A withering rose.
(b) A company of nameless ghosts.
(c) An incommunicable sorrow.
(d) A kind of valediction.

3. According to the speaker in Part II of "The Dry Salvages," what he calls "Time the destroyer" is also what?
(a) The Sempiternal Wheel.
(b) Time the preserver.
(c) The Ageless Force.
(d) Time the destroyed.

4. What in Part V of "The Dry Salvages" "searches past and future / And clings to that dimension"?
(a) The gaze of the young.
(b) The remembrance of the old.
(c) The man of angst.
(d) Men's curiosity.

5. The people spoken of in Part III, of "Little Gidding," who are "All touched by a common genius," are united in what?
(a) The transfiguration of the community.
(b) The kinship of their patrimonies.
(c) The strife which divided them.
(d) The obliteration of care.

6. In the first few lines of Part II of "Little Gidding," it reads that "Dust in the air suspended / Marks the place where" what ended?
(a) A world.
(b) A story.
(c) A life.
(d) A family.

7. When did the speaker of Part II of "Little Gidding" meet "one walking, loitering and hurried"?
(a) The uncertain hour before morning.
(b) The dark of midnight.
(c) The bright cheerless light of winter noonday.
(d) In the waning light of evening.

8. The last two lines of Part IV of "Little Gidding" state that "We only live, only suspire / Consumed by either" what or what?
(a) Water or fire.
(b) Fire or fire.
(c) Love or hate.
(d) Truth or lies.

9. The speaker says in Part I of "Little Gidding" that there is a "windless cold that is the heart's" what?
(a) Heat.
(b) Chill.
(c) Fire.
(d) Death.

10. The speaker states in Part III of "Little Gidding" that "It is not to ring the bell backward / Nor is it an incantation / To summon the spectre of a" what?
(a) Truth.
(b) Ghost.
(c) Rose.
(d) God.

11. What does the speaker say that he believes to be a "strong brown god" in Part I of "The Dry Salvages"?
(a) The earth.
(b) The grizzly bear.
(c) The river.
(d) Death.

12. What is said to be "heard so deeply / That it is not heard at all," in Part V of "The Dry Salvages"?
(a) Wisdom.
(b) Music.
(c) Silence.
(d) Nature.

13. What is a synonymous word or phrase for the word "fructify," used in Part III of "The Dry Salvages"?
(a) Solidify.
(b) Bear fruit.
(c) Become sugar.
(d) Calcify.

14. The third part of "Little Gidding" says that Sin is what?
(a) Impressive.
(b) Homely.
(c) Inexpedient.
(d) Behovely.

15. According to the speaker of "Little Gidding," history may be either freedom or what?
(a) The future.
(b) False.
(c) Servitude.
(d) Solace.

Short Answer Questions

1. By whom does the speaker say that the "brown god is almost forgotten" in the first part of "The Dry Salvages"?

2. What, in Part II of "Little Gidding," "Gapes at the vanity of toil, / Laughs without mirth"?

3. With whom, according to the last part of "Little Gidding," are "we" born?

4. Part I of "Little Gidding" states that there is "no wind, but" what in the "dark time of the year"?

5. In the first line of Part III of "Little Gidding," it is said that there are how many "conditions which often look alike / Yet differ completely"?

(see the answer keys)

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