Four Quartets Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Four Quartets Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what must the speaker "freeze / And quake" in order to be warmed, as described in "East Coker"'s fourth part?
(a) Breath torrid and unworthy.
(b) Frigid purgatorial fires.
(c) Endless smoke of briars.
(d) Icy winds of loss.

2. In what way did the speaker, his auditor, and the flowers move in the garden of Part I of "Burnt Norton"?
(a) A vertical mien.
(b) A formal pattern.
(c) A haphazard line.
(d) A lazy stroll.

3. Which of the following is not cataloged by the speaker as something "long looked forward to" in the second part of "East Coker"?
(a) Calm.
(b) Autumnal serenity.
(c) Wisdom of age.
(d) Eternal respite.

4. Interpretively, what is meant by "those long since under earth / Nourishing the corn"? in Part I of "East Coker"?
(a) The ancestral tradition of the West.
(b) Those who are asleep and preparing to farm.
(c) Those who are dead and buried.
(d) The roots of long-established families.

5. The final line of Part III of "East Coker" claims that "where you are is" what?
(a) Where you have been.
(b) Where you will be.
(c) Where you are not.
(d) Where you are.

6. Of what growing terror does the speaker mention seeing in the deepening "mental emptiness," in Part III of "East Coker"?
(a) Of having no one to talk to.
(b) Of starving to death.
(c) Of being alone with oneself.
(d) Of having nothing to think about.

7. To what shall the vortex in "East Coker," Part II, bring the world?
(a) A known unknown.
(b) A deceitful visage.
(c) A destructive fire.
(d) A whispered scream.

8. What does the speaker in the "East Coker"'s fifth part claim becomes stranger as man grows older?
(a) The truth.
(b) Himself.
(c) His love.
(d) The world.

9. For the appeasement of what does the "trilling wire in the blood" of Part II in "Burnt Norton" sing?
(a) The circulation of the lymph.
(b) Inveterate scars.
(c) The drift of stars.
(d) Long forgotten wars.

10. The first line of Part III of "Burnt Norton" states that "here is a place of" what?
(a) Stillness.
(b) Time future.
(c) Disaffection.
(d) Consciousness.

11. To whose funeral(s) do they all, in "East Coker," Part III, go?
(a) Their own.
(b) The Director's.
(c) The petty contractors'.
(d) Nobody's.

12. From what are the "strained time-ridden faces" of Part III of "Burnt Norton" distracted?
(a) Stillness.
(b) Opulence.
(c) Sincerity.
(d) Distraction.

13. Only through what can time, as stated in the final line of "Burnt Norton," Part II, be conquered?
(a) Truth.
(b) Eternity.
(c) Death.
(d) Time.

14. Which of the following does the speaker wish to hear of concerning old men, in "East Coker," Part II?
(a) Their lives.
(b) Their loves.
(c) Their wisdom.
(d) Their folly.

15. In what are the "Earth feet, loam feet" of Part I of "East Coker" lifted?
(a) Somber rituals.
(b) Solemn jest.
(c) Country mirth.
(d) Panicked flight.

Short Answer Questions

1. In what way does the world move, according to the final three lines of Part II of "Burnt Norton"?

2. What goes in and out of "unwholesome lungs" in Part III of "Burnt Norton"?

3. In Part II of "East Coker," against what does the "Scorpion" fight?

4. In "Burnt Norton," what is daylight said to invest form with in Part III, when it is present?

5. The speaker states, in the first part of "Burnt Norton," that what "might have been" is a(n) what?

(see the answer keys)

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