Foundation and Empire Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Foundation and Empire Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After Devers and Barr have been held for six months, who does Riose tell them is second in command?
(a) Bodrig.
(b) Sergeant Luk.
(c) Sergeant Lugh.
(d) Riose, because Bodrig is now the commander.

2. Fran says marriage is an ancient ritual of what society?
(a) The city-dwellers.
(b) The space-dwellers.
(c) The Federation.
(d) The Empire.

3. Who visited Barr's father, according to Devers?
(a) The Federation mayor.
(b) The Federation military.
(c) A Federation founder.
(d) The Federation planner.

4. When Barr and Devers attempt to land on Trantor they are subjected to probes, _________, and questionnaires.
(a) Fingerprinting.
(b) Metal detectors.
(c) Photographs.
(d) Searches.

5. According to Seldon's predictions, the Empire will fall to whom?
(a) The First Foundation.
(b) The Traders.
(c) The Foundation.
(d) The Second Foundation.

Short Answer Questions

1. Seldon's Plan assures that _______ will succeed the Empire.

2. Devers made a friend of whom after being in custody for a month?

3. How long before Bayta and Toran arrived did Devers die?

4. What does Riose have to show that his ship was captured by enemies?

5. What does Barr show Devers as proof that he is the son of the older Barr?

Short Essay Questions

1. What did Bodrig do with the information Devers gave him?

2. When Bayta talks with the men about the state of affairs and of Seldon's Plan, what does she say that Seldon's life's work was aimed at?

3. What does Riose tell Barr about the world he visited that was occupied by devils?

4. Why does Riose hold Devers and Barr on Wanda?

5. Why did Seldon create the two Foundations?

6. How does Barr's belief in Seldon's Plan relate to his belief about individual actions?

7. What does Barr show Devers as proof of his relationship to Onum Barr?

8. What does Devers' bracelet do?

9. What critique does Barr offer for Riose's military plans while they are on Wanda?

10. Describe Indbur the Third.

(see the answer keys)

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