Forge Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Forge Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How much money did James Bellingham promise to give Curzon when he emancipated him?
(a) 40 pounds.
(b) 30 pounds.
(c) 20 pounds.
(d) 10 pounds.

2. Where does Isabel tell Curzon she trusted him but he went behind her back in Chapter 40?
(a) New Haven.
(b) Brooklyn.
(c) Morristown.
(d) Cambridge.

3. On what date does Chapter 42 open?
(a) February 22, 1778.
(b) February 7, 1778
(c) February 6, 1778.
(d) June 1, 1778.

4. What French words does Curzon describe as meaning "Make a loud ruckus in a coordinated and impressive manner" (254) in Chapter 56?
(a) Mon amour.
(b) Fermet la bouche.
(c) Feu de joie.
(d) C'est la vie.

5. Who is relocated to the parlor as his sleeping quarters and with his duties as forage master in Chapter 55?
(a) General Biddle.
(b) Baron de Gaudy.
(c) Joseph Valentine.
(d) Private Joseph Plumb Martin.

6. Who is referred to as General Washington's manservant in Chapter 39?
(a) John Bannister.
(b) Thomas Anbury.
(c) Henry Knox.
(d) Billy Lee.

7. Where was Isabel when she found a seamstress to work for?
(a) New Brunswick.
(b) Morristown.
(c) Philadelphia.
(d) Boston.

8. What is the name of Curzon's brigade commander?
(a) Brigadier General Henry Laurens.
(b) Brigadier General Enoch Poor.
(c) Brigadier General Daniel Granger.
(d) Brigadier General John Smith.

9. Where is a battalion of black and Indian soldiers being assembled in Chapter 43?
(a) New Hampshire.
(b) New York.
(c) Vermont.
(d) Rhode Island.

10. From whom is the letter addressed to John Adams that opens Chapter 33?
(a) Henry Knox.
(b) Henry Laurens.
(c) Abigail Adams.
(d) Daniel Granger.

11. What dates comprise Chapter 44?
(a) March 12, 1778 - March 16, 1778.
(b) February 23, 1778 - March 17, 1778.
(c) March 18, 1778 - March 22, 1778.
(d) February 7, 1778 - February 11, 1778.

12. Who is the surgeon whose diary entry is cited in the opening if Chapter 28?
(a) Dr. Albigence Waldo.
(b) Dr. Thomas Anbury.
(c) Dr. Daniel Granger.
(d) Dr. Jehu Grant.

13. What encircles Isabel's neck?
(a) An iron collar.
(b) A pearl necklace.
(c) A leather rope.
(d) A diamond necklace.

14. On what date does Chapter 54 begin?
(a) May 1, 1778.
(b) April 29, 1778.
(c) June 4, 1778.
(d) July 13, 1778.

15. What does Curzon do with Bellingham's key while Bellingham is bathing in Chapter 55?
(a) He makes an imprint of it in candle wax.
(b) He drops in the sink.
(c) He steals it and runs.
(d) He uses it to unlock Isabel's collar while Bellingham is not looking.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Eben tell the officers he fought alongside Curzon in Chapter 46?

2. To whom is John Laurens' letter addressed which opens Chapter 43?

3. Whose letter to his brother Pierre describes the celebration of the French alliance in the opening of Chapter 56?

4. Where is Baron von Steuben from?

5. Who enters the hut to say that the escape plan will not work in Chapter 47?

(see the answer keys)

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