For Your Eyes Only Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

For Your Eyes Only Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Mr. Krest behave at the party?
(a) Mr. Krest seems distant.
(b) Mr. Krest gets very drunk and insults everyone.
(c) Mr. Krest suddenly acts very feminine.
(d) Mr. Krest is joyful and wins back everyone.

2. How is Mr. Krest killed?
(a) Mr. Krest has the spiny Hildebrand Rarity stuffed into his mouth.
(b) Mr. Krest is strangled with a stingray tail.
(c) Mr. Krest dies of alcohol poisoning.
(d) Mr. Krest is shot by Bond.

3. When does Colombo say he worked for the English?
(a) Just after college when he was coaching soccer.
(b) Last year as an independent contractor.
(c) During Italian Resistance in World War II.
(d) During the Italian Resistance in World War II.

4. How does Mr. Krest finally catch the Hildebrand Rarity?
(a) Mr. Krest builds a lobster trap and uses poisonous bait.
(b) Mr. Krest shoots the fish with a CO2 harpoon gun.
(c) Mr. Krest pours poison into the water that floats all the nearby fish to the surface of the water.
(d) Mr. Krest spears the fish in the water.

5. What does Bond do to Mr. Krest's hammock?
(a) Bond cuts the hammock in half with a machete.
(b) Bond frays and breaks one of the ropes with a table knife.
(c) Bond throws the hammock overboard.
(d) Bond takes the hammock below.

6. What does Mr. Krest do while Bond and Barbey dive for the fish?
(a) Mr. Krest sits under a tent on the beach smoking a cigar.
(b) Mr. Krest drinks vodka and berates everyone.
(c) Mr. Krest sits on-board the ship reading the New York Times.
(d) Mr. Krest "corrects" Mrs. Krest.

7. How is Mrs. Krest's face on the journey away from Chagrin Island?
(a) Flushed from drinking vodka.
(b) Very sunburned.
(c) White with Mr. Krest's finger marks.
(d) Alive with the joy of a successful mission.

8. Why have Baum and Bond arranged to meet?
(a) Baum wishes to betray Enrico Colombo.
(b) Baum fancies Bond and wants time alone with him.
(c) Bond wants Baum to give him authentic stories of smuggling for his "adventure writing."
(d) Bond has a message for Baum from headquarters in London.

9. What does Bond do with Mr. Krest's body?
(a) Bond burns the body.
(b) Bond stuffs the body into a refrigerated locker.
(c) Bond throws the body overboard.
(d) Bond leaves the body on the deck.

10. What kind of eyes does the Hildebrand Rarity have?
(a) Deep black eyes.
(b) Small pink eyes.
(c) Mysteriously the fish has no eyes.
(d) Large dark blue eyes.

11. What does the Prime Minister consider the smuggling of heroin into Britain to be?
(a) A joke.
(b) A minor irritation.
(c) Almost a personal insult.
(d) An act of psychological war.

12. What skill is possessed by only a few of the Seychellois?
(a) The ability to hunt.
(b) The ability to make tools.
(c) The ability to swim.
(d) The ability to fish.

13. To whom does Lisl Baum compare herself?
(a) Marlene Dietrich.
(b) Greta Garbo.
(c) Katherine Hepburn.
(d) Audrey Hepburn.

14. How much money is the British Prime Minister prepared to give Bond to use in order to bust the smugglers?
(a) £500,000
(b) £100,000
(c) £10,000
(d) £1,000,000

15. Where is Mrs. Krest from originally?
(a) Germany.
(b) France.
(c) England.
(d) America.

Short Answer Questions

1. What cargo does the Albanian trawler contain?

2. How do Colombo and his men board the Albanian vessel?

3. Who is "the only man on the island who doesn't carry a machete"?

4. What drink does Bond order when sits at Kristatos's table?

5. What weapons do Colombo's men carry on the day of the rendezvous with the Albanian trawler?

(see the answer keys)

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