For Your Eyes Only Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

For Your Eyes Only Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Judy's face look when she identifies Von Hammerstein?
(a) Grim, almost cruel.
(b) Intensely angry.
(c) Pleased, almost amused.
(d) Utterly without expression.

2. What happens to the Havelocks' bottles for Guavas?
(a) The Havelocks never have any bottles.
(b) The bottles shatter.
(c) The bottles get mashed.
(d) The bottles fill with mold.

3. Where is Content located?
(a) In the far west of the Blue Mountains.
(b) In the foothills of Candlefly Peak.
(c) In Bermuda.
(d) In the Green Mountains.

4. How is Master's career after his divorce?
(a) Masters receives a promotion and makes a lot more money.
(b) Master's career continues although never as brightly as it began.
(c) Masters is expelled from the Colonial Service.
(d) Masters is demoted and begins drinking on the job.

5. Phillip Masters' affection for the Nigerians takes the place of his affection for whom?
(a) His family.
(b) His commander.
(c) His wife.
(d) The opposite sex.

6. On his approach to Echo Lake, who holds Bond at crossbow point?
(a) Colonel Johns.
(b) Von Hammerstein.
(c) Major Gonazales.
(d) Judy Havelock.

7. Who rescues Bond from the last spy's attack?
(a) M.
(b) Head of F.
(c) Mary Ann Russell.
(d) A bear.

8. Why is Bond in Nassau?
(a) Bond has just escaped from the hands of terrorists.
(b) Bond is on a routine investigation job.
(c) Bond's ex-wife lives in there.
(d) Bond's sister lives there.

9. What is the first course of action considered by Bond after he is ambushed?
(a) Bond must regain the initiative and dispose of this stranger.
(b) Bond must make friends with the stranger.
(c) Bond must sneak off when the stranger is not looking.
(d) Bond must refuse to move from his position.

10. What does Bond fear about the marriage of Llewellyn to Masters?
(a) Bond fear Llewellyn is not entirely honest about her identity.
(b) Bond fears Llewellyn marries Masters only to get close to him and kill him.
(c) Bond fears Llewellyn marries Masters because she thinks his life sounds exciting and grand.
(d) Bond fears Llewellyn marries Masters because she thinks he is rich.

11. What is Gonzales' signal to his "secretaries"?
(a) Gonzales winks his left eye.
(b) Gonzales laughs.
(c) Gonzales places his finger behind his back and snaps.
(d) Gonzales winks his right eye.

12. What country is Harvey Miller from?
(a) America.
(b) England.
(c) Canada.
(d) Germany.

13. Anyone who can come up with an original idea concerning the case must be what according to Colonel Schreiber?
(a) Very lucky.
(b) Insane.
(c) Closely related to Einstein.
(d) Psychic.

14. What kind of hat does Major Gonzales wear?
(a) A Panama.
(b) A baseball cap.
(c) A Bowler.
(d) A Fedora.

15. Where does Masters meet Rhoda Llewellyn?
(a) On an oceanliner.
(b) In a taxi cab.
(c) In an elevator.
(d) On an airplane.

Short Answer Questions

1. How is Von Hammerstein killed?

2. What is the most beautiful bird in all of Jamaica?

3. What is Bond's personal sidearm?

4. Why does the assassin kill the dispatch-rider?

5. Which of the following are not a part of the Echo Lake estate?

(see the answer keys)

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