For Cause and Comrades: Why Men Fought in the Civil War Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

For Cause and Comrades: Why Men Fought in the Civil War Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the discussion of the psychological and physiological issues soldiers faced in 1864, a private in the 100th Pennsylvania wrote that he slept one night out of how many?
(a) 14.
(b) 8.
(c) 25.
(d) 19.

2. When a Pennsylvania cavalry corporal wrote his mother in 1863, he listed his obligations to duty. In what position did he place his obligation to his mother?
(a) 4th.
(b) 3rd.
(c) 2nd.
(d) 1st.

3. As "Chapter 11: Vengeance Will be Our Motto" ends, McPherson says that no army broke until the Army of Tennessee after which of the following battles in 1864?
(a) Nashville.
(b) King's Hill.
(c) Fort Fisher.
(d) Spring Hill.

4. During the discussion of the hardships for soldiers' wives, how many married men does McPherson say voluntarily enlisted to fight the war?
(a) 300,000.
(b) 100,000.
(c) 800,000.
(d) 60,000.

5. At the end of "Chapter 7: On the Altar of My Country," McPherson says what percentage of the soldiers that comprised his sample material lost their lives in action?
(a) 48%.
(b) 94%.
(c) 14%.
(d) 21%.

6. From which state was the private who wrote in January 1862, after speaking to a slave whose husband had been beaten, that he was convinced of the "cruelty and inhumanity of the system"?
(a) Louisiana.
(b) Pennsylvania.
(c) Kentucky.
(d) New York.

7. An Illinois cavalryman, who wrote a letter home on January 12, 1865, used the word "duty" how many times in a single sentence?
(a) 4.
(b) 5.
(c) 8.
(d) 3.

8. After the Seven Days battles, a private in the 58th Virginia wrote that through August and September his regiment had waded the Potomac how many times?
(a) 6.
(b) 2.
(c) 12.
(d) 4.

9. During the discussion of the American volunteers in the Spanish Civil War, what percentage found that "belief in war aims" helped overcome the fear of battle?
(a) 34%.
(b) 89%.
(c) 58%.
(d) 77%.

10. According to "Chapter 9: Slavery Must be Cleaned Out," what fraction of Union soldiers came from Democratic backgrounds?
(a) 1/5.
(b) 4/5.
(c) 2/5.
(d) 3/5.

11. When discussing the hardships of soldiers' wives, McPherson says that failure to fight for one's country would be seen to dishonor all BUT WHICH of the following?
(a) Posterity.
(b) Children.
(c) Wife.
(d) Ancestors.

12. In the spring of 1862, soldiers from which state felt a redoubled commitment to the war effort when large portions of their home state fell to the "insolent invader"?
(a) Mississippi.
(b) Georgia.
(c) Maryland.
(d) Tennessee.

13. During the discussion of what sustained soldiers during the Civil War, what does McPherson say was a dominant theme in the letters home?
(a) Despair.
(b) Anger.
(c) Homesickness.
(d) Courage.

14. In "Chapter 8: The Cause of Liberty," how does McPherson say Southern whites preferred to term "slavery"?
(a) Southern ingenuity.
(b) Southern institutions.
(c) Southern rights.
(d) Southern way of life.

15. In the discussion of the psychological and physiological issues soldiers faced in 1864, modern studies have shown that a unit is exhausted if it twice suffers what fraction of casualties?
(a) 3/5.
(b) 1/4.
(c) 2/5.
(d) 1/3.

Short Answer Questions

1. During Stonewall Jackson's Shenandoah Valley campaign in 1862, some of his men fought five battles in addition to marching how many miles in a single month?

2. When talking about how some soldiers' wives felt they had greater responsibility to their families than the founding fathers, a lieutenant from which regiment received letters from his wife complaining about raising three children without him?

3. During the discussion of the Confederate response to the Emancipation Proclamation, what percentage of the sample 429 Confederate letters voiced pro-slavery arguments?

4. While discussing differing interpretations of liberty from North and South, McPherson quotes a Texas cavalryman with Forrest who wrote that the issue was all BUT WHICH of these?

5. When McPherson says that Confederates sought to preserve their honor by killing black soldiers who tried to surrender, which place is NOT a documented occurrence of massacres?

(see the answer keys)

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