Flatland Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Flatland Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the stranger say about the fourth dimension?
(a) It is easy to travel through.
(b) It does not exist.
(c) It is real.
(d) It is inconceivable.

2. What prohibits A. Square's student from learning?
(a) The knowledge of mathematics needed
(b) The level of intelligence needed
(c) The laws of nature
(d) The proclamation by the Council

3. Where does A. Square first see Lineland?
(a) In a book
(b) In a movie
(c) In his reflection
(d) In a dream

4. What is A. Square's first question about Spaceland?
(a) Why he cannot see the stranger's insides.
(b) Why he can see the stranger's insides.
(c) Why everything is bright.
(d) Why everything is dark.

5. What dimension does the stranger attempt to explain?
(a) The Fourth dimension
(b) The Second dimension
(c) The Third dimension
(d) The First dimension

6. What is the final fate for A. Square?
(a) He is killed.
(b) He is banished from the town.
(c) He is committed to an asylum.
(d) He is imprisoned for life.

7. Why does A. Square become saddened?
(a) He cannot visualize a cube.
(b) He cannot visualize a sphere.
(c) His wife dies.
(d) He realizes he is a two dimensional object.

8. What does A. Square's wife yell at A. Square for in this chapter?
(a) Disrespecting himself
(b) Disrespecting her
(c) Disrespecting his grandson
(d) Disrespecting the Chief Circle

9. What does the stranger do to A. Square at the end of the chapter?
(a) Throws him from Spaceland.
(b) Places him in Pointland.
(c) Places him in Lineland.
(d) Places him in the Fourth Dimension.

10. What shape does the stranger use to teach about solids?
(a) A straight line
(b) A sphere
(c) A cube
(d) A triangle

11. How do individuals in Lineland move?
(a) Only right to left.
(b) In a single directional line.
(c) They can move anywhere.
(d) Only up and down.

12. What fear does the stranger have as A. Square calls for help?
(a) The others will kill him.
(b) The others will imprison him.
(c) The others will not believe him.
(d) That others will see the Third Dimension.

13. Why does A. Square call the stranger his "lordship"?
(a) He believes the stranger is the Chief Circle.
(b) He believes the stranger is a perfect circle.
(c) He believes the stranger is his boss.
(d) He believes the stranger is a king.

14. What does the small creature of Pointland believe A. Square's voice to be?
(a) The voice of the Sphere
(b) The voice of God
(c) His own
(d) Nothing, since he doesn't hear it

15. What shape does the grandson almost grasp?
(a) A circle
(b) A line
(c) A triangle
(d) A cube

Short Answer Questions

1. What does A. Square believe the straight lines in his dream to be?

2. What does A. Square point out about the King's space?

3. How do the inhabitants of Lineland comprehend distance?

4. What happens as the race of circles climbs higher in development?

5. What does the shape claim to be?

(see the answer keys)

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