The Fixer Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Fixer Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After Yakov's visitor runs screaming from his cell and material is confiscated from Yakov, what is he given in return?
(a) Some Orthodox Jewish dogma.
(b) Some newspaper clippings.
(c) Some Old Testament pages.
(d) Some cookbook recipes.

2. Who does Yakov turn to for an explanation about the missing item?
(a) Bibikov.
(b) Kogin.
(c) Zhitnyak.
(d) Shmuel.

3. How is Yakov feeling when he arrives at the courthouse?
(a) Excited.
(b) Elated.
(c) Nervous.
(d) Afraid.

4. After the warden delivers the indictment to Yakov, Yakov reads for a while, then has to put the papers down. When he picks them up again, what does Yakov briefly consider asking Kogin for?
(a) A dictionary.
(b) A pen.
(c) A Bible.
(d) A candle.

5. What does Yakov's new attorney warn Yakov to do while they await the trial?
(a) Speak to no one.
(b) Regain his strength.
(c) Prepare to win.
(d) Walk on eggshells.

6. What does Yakov see during his frequent hallucinations while in his cell?
(a) Dead farm animals.
(b) Dead neighbors.
(c) Dead ducks.
(d) Dead bodies.

7. Yakov begins thinking many evil thoughts after he stops keeping track of the days. Who does Yakov think evil thoughts about?
(a) The warden.
(b) The Tsar.
(c) The prosecutor.
(d) The deputy warden.

8. As Yakov envisions talking with the Tsar, what does Yakov accuse the Tsar of?
(a) Evil plots.
(b) Faking evidence.
(c) Inciting riots.
(d) Hate crimes.

9. Yakov's visitor hands papers to Yakov during their visit. Who sends the papers with Yakov's visitor?
(a) The defense attorney.
(b) The rabbi.
(c) The prosecutor.
(d) The warden.

10. Who finally confirms that Yakov is the "nameless Jew" arrested in Kiev to the people in the shtetl?
(a) Zhenia.
(b) Gronfein.
(c) Shmuel.
(d) Kogin.

11. When is the next time the prosecutor comes to visit Yakov?
(a) In the middle of dinner.
(b) In the middle of the night.
(c) In the middle of winter.
(d) In the middle of the day.

12. What does the person speaking to Yakov through his cell door share with Yakov about the speaker's son?
(a) He has been tried.
(b) He has become a father.
(c) He has been married.
(d) He has been arrested.

13. As Yakov envisions talking with the Tsar, what is one topic the two men do NOT discuss?
(a) Fatherhood.
(b) Suffering.
(c) The power of gossip.
(d) Politics.

14. What is the name of Yakov's replacement guard?
(a) Davidenko.
(b) Kogin.
(c) Berezhinksy.
(d) Malachi.

15. As the attorney prepares to leave, he informs Yakov that another man will act as Yakov's attorney during the trial because the government is accusing him of something. What is the government accusing the attorney meeting with Yakov of?
(a) Conspiracy.
(b) Theft.
(c) Bribery.
(d) Fostering revolution.

Short Answer Questions

1. What name does Yakov mention that causes the prosecutor to angrily leave Yakov's cell?

2. In the new indictment brought to Yakov by the warden, what has been removed?

3. When the warden finally delivers Yakov's indictment, how does Yakov describe the indictment?

4. What happens when Yakov's carriage arrives outside of the courthouse?

5. Which of Yakov's behaviors in prison does the new indictment describe?

(see the answer keys)

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