The First Man in Rome Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The First Man in Rome Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Scaurus suspect has been happening in regard to the grain?
(a) The crops have been purposefully damaged.
(b) The products have been stolen by the Germans.
(c) There has been price manipulation.
(d) The slaves are withholding much of the product.

2. How does Marius plan on getting to Gaul?
(a) He is going through the Alps.
(b) He is taking a northern route.
(c) He is taking a back way through the woods.
(d) He is taking the water route.

3. Why does King Bocchus seek out Marius?
(a) He wants to attack him.
(b) He wants to surrender to him.
(c) He wants to tell him where Jugurtha is.
(d) He wants to form an ally with Rome.

4. How many times has Marius been elected consul?
(a) 5.
(b) 8.
(c) 3.
(d) 6.

5. What does Caepio order his men to do to verify if there is gold and silver present?
(a) Drain the lake.
(b) Dig deeper into the cave.
(c) Burn the building.
(d) Tear down the bridge.

6. How does King Bocchus respond to giving Sulla Jugurtha?
(a) He claims that he does not know where Jugurtha is hiding.
(b) He is not happy and does not want to.
(c) He says that he will not sell out his friends.
(d) He takes Sulla hostage and gives him to Jugurtha.

7. Where does Marius imprison Saturninus?
(a) Senate Hall.
(b) In Africa.
(c) Temple of Jupiter.
(d) Tarpeian rock.

8. What does Marius recognize as being important to a military man?
(a) Gold.
(b) Luck.
(c) Good men.
(d) Skill.

9. What is there a shortage of in Rome?
(a) Grain.
(b) Women.
(c) Water.
(d) Gold.

10. On what is Publius an expert?
(a) Cave exploration.
(b) African languages.
(c) Snails.
(d) Military strategy.

11. Why does Drusus write to Caepio?
(a) He wants to protect him from the Germans.
(b) He wants to negotiate terms with him.
(c) He wants his daughter to marry Caepio's son.
(d) He wants his son to marry Caepio's daughter.

12. Why does the Senate want to make Marius Ponitfex Maximus?
(a) They want to honor him for his service.
(b) They believe he deserves the title.
(c) They are trying to give him more power.
(d) They think it will make him more conservative.

13. How did Caepio's son survive the battle?
(a) His father made sure to protect him.
(b) He left the battle dishonorably.
(c) He was a brave warrior who was lucky to survive.
(d) He was not in the battle.

14. What two things does Publius find in the cave?
(a) Jugurtha's hideout and a ton of snails.
(b) A ton of snails and a way into the fortress.
(c) A ton of snails and a cache of gold.
(d) A cache of gold and a way into the fortress.

15. Who does the senate give complete dictator powers to?
(a) Metellus.
(b) Marius.
(c) Saturninus.
(d) Glaucia.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Sulla make his proposal to Marius?

2. Who does Sulla take with him on his adventure?

3. When does Sulla find out that the German Army plans to attack Italy?

4. How has Sulla been able to learn how to speak German?

5. What happens to the elder Gais Caesar in chapter six?

(see the answer keys)

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