Fear: Trump in the White House Test | Final Test - Easy

Bob Woodward
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 182 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fear: Trump in the White House Test | Final Test - Easy

Bob Woodward
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 182 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did many businesses leave the United States?
(a) More trained workers.
(b) High business taxes.
(c) Lack of office buildings.
(d) Interest rates were too low.

2. What trade agreement involved the U.S., Canada, and Mexico?
(a) WTO.
(b) NATO.
(c) NAFTA.
(d) KORUS.

3. What did Trump believe was the way to approach Kim Jong Un?
(a) Show strength.
(b) Place tariffs on North Korea.
(c) Call him names on Twitter.
(d) Ignore him.

4. Why did Dowd resign as Trump's lawyer?
(a) Trump hired another lawyer.
(b) Trump decided to testify.
(c) Trump wouldn't testify.
(d) Trump wouldn't pay him.

5. Who was chief of staff after Reince Priebus left the White House?
(a) John F. Kelly.
(b) Steve Mnuchin.
(c) Gary Cohn.
(d) James Mattis.

6. In what city did a protest between white supremacists and counter-protesters turn violent?
(a) Atlanta, Georgia.
(b) Jacksonville, Florida.
(c) Charlottesville, Virginia.
(d) Charlottesville, North Carolina.

7. What did Trump think the Chinese were mining in Afghanistan?
(a) Gold.
(b) Zinc.
(c) Copper.
(d) Aluminum.

8. What did President Trump refer to as his megaphone?
(a) Instagram.
(b) Press conferences.
(c) Twitter.
(d) The telephone in the Oval Office.

9. Why was John Dowd unable to deliver documents to Mueller and his team?
(a) He did not have security clearance.
(b) He did not have their address.
(c) He used to work with Mueller.
(d) He was Trump's personal lawyer.

10. What is the NSC?
(a) National Safety Council.
(b) New Strategic Command.
(c) National Security Committee.
(d) National Security Council.

11. Who did General Kelly decide was disruptive to the president's concentration?
(a) Rob Porter.
(b) Jeff Sessions.
(c) Peter Navarro.
(d) Gary Cohn.

12. Who did the president imitate during a staff meeting?
(a) McMaster.
(b) Mattis.
(c) Tillerson.
(d) Priebus.

13. What did Trump write on a copy of his upcoming speech?
(a) Trade is bad.
(b) Break the Iran deal.
(c) Leave NATO.
(d) Bring me tariffs.

14. What were the 3 main war zones President Trump was tired of talking about?
(a) Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria.
(b) Syria, China, North Korea.
(c) Afghanistan, Syria, North Korea.
(d) North Korea, China, Afghanistan.

15. What healthcare initiative did President Trump want to repeal?
(a) Medicaid.
(b) Social Security.
(c) Obamacare.
(d) Medicare.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the only legislation that passed during Trump's first year in office?

2. What is forward deployment?

3. What did Trump want in exchange for keeping DACA?

4. Which senator complimented President Trump's got his new strategy in Afghanistan?

5. What is the President's favorite news network?

(see the answer keys)

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