Faust. Part Two Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Faust. Part Two Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Faust's dream, who is the father of Helen?
(a) Hades.
(b) Jason.
(c) Jupiter.
(d) Hercules.

2. What instrument accompanies the garden girls in Scene 3 of Act I?
(a) Theorbos.
(b) Mandolins.
(c) Harps.
(d) Lutes.

3. Why has the emperor requested Faust to conjure Helen and Paris?
(a) Mephistopheles suggested it to him.
(b) He hopes to woo Helen.
(c) He hopes to have Paris lead his army.
(d) He seeks amusement and wants to see their beauty.

4. Who tells the emperor they are out of wine in Scene 2 of Act I?
(a) Mephistopheles.
(b) The Steward.
(c) The Chancellor.
(d) The Field Marshal.

5. What news does the marshal bring the emperor in the beginning of Scene 4 of Act I?
(a) He tells the emperor that the people have built a statue for him.
(b) He tells the emperor that the people are rioting.
(c) He tells the emperor that all of his debts have been paid in full.
(d) He tells the emperor a civil war has broken out.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who responds to Mephistopheles ringing the bell in Act II?

2. What does Mephistopheles cure the blonde woman of in Scene 6 of Act I?

3. Where does the prophetess instruct Faust to look for Helen in Act iI?

4. Where does Mephistopheles place Faust at the beginning of Act II?

5. Which famous figure did Chiron tutor?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe Famulus's attitude towards learning and academic achievement.

2. Why is Faust seeking Helen in Act II?

3. What advice does Mephistopheles give to the young page who is having trouble attracting women in Act I?

4. Describe the appearance of the emperor during his entrance to the Carnival Masquerade.

5. What does the Chancellor say about the judge "who cannot punish crime" in Scene 2?

6. In the philosophical debate featured in Scene 3 of Act II, what does Thales believe is the origin and basis of nature and matter?

7. Explain the circumstances at the end of Scene 7 of Act I, that lead to Faust being found unconscious on the floor.

8. Why is Mephistopheles upset that Faust tells the emperor he can conjure the spirits of Helen and Paris?

9. Describe the pleasing landscape that Faust finds himself in at the beginning of this work (Act I).

10. What does the homunculus say that Faust is dreaming of in Scene 2 of Act II?

(see the answer keys)

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