Faust. Part Two Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Faust. Part Two Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Faust wearing when he first meets with the emperor in Act IV?
(a) He is dressed as poor villager.
(b) Armor complete with a half-visor.
(c) He is in the classical dress of Greece.
(d) Long luxurient robes.

2. What is Helen afraid of in Scene 1 of Act III?
(a) She is afraid of being attacked by disgruntled servants.
(b) She is afraid she will never again see Paris.
(c) She is afraid of being sacrificed by Menelaus.
(d) She is afraid of losing her beauty.

3. What is the Maia the patron god of?
(a) Fishermen and sailors.
(b) Thieves and rascals.
(c) Musicians.
(d) Princes and Kings.

4. What is the chorus doing at the beginning of Scene 3 in Act III?
(a) Dancing.
(b) Eating.
(c) Swimming.
(d) Sleeping.

5. What does the archbishop want the emperor to build on the land near the battlefield?
(a) A triumphal arch.
(b) An edifice to the fallen soldiers.
(c) A new palace.
(d) A grand church.

6. What does the landscape remind Mephistopheles of in Scene 1 of Act IV?
(a) Heaven.
(b) Classical Greece.
(c) Arcadia.
(d) His home, hell.

7. What country is the setting of Scene 1 in Act III?
(a) The country is not given.
(b) Germany.
(c) Sparta.
(d) Egypt.

8. What is the name of the son of Helen and Faust?
(a) Euphorion.
(b) Phorkyas.
(c) Icarus.
(d) Lynceus.

9. What does the emperor give the Arch-Chamberlain in Scene 3 of Act IV?
(a) A watch.
(b) A chicken.
(c) Some gold coins.
(d) Rings.

10. What does the emperor give to the Arch-Marshal in Scene 3 of Act IV?
(a) A new castle.
(b) A new horse.
(c) A bride.
(d) A sword.

11. What authority does the archbishop demand from the emperor in Scene 3 of Act IV?
(a) The power to grant asylum to refuges.
(b) The power to release prisoners of war.
(c) The power to knight soldiers.
(d) The power to collect taxes on his territory.

12. Where does Mephistopheles suggest that Helen should hide at the end of Scene 1 of Act III?
(a) A castle in the North.
(b) In the temple of Zeus.
(c) Troy.
(d) The underworld.

13. What is the setting of Scene 3 in Act IV?
(a) The castle.
(b) The emperor's tent.
(c) The battlefield.
(d) The mountainside.

14. What does Maia steal from Zeus?
(a) His daughter.
(b) His Thunderbolts.
(c) His crown.
(d) A statue.

15. What realization does the archbishop make about the emperor's tactics in battle?
(a) That the emperor bribed opposing troops.
(b) He knows nothing about the emperor's tactics.
(c) That the emperor used spies in the battle.
(d) That the emperor has used magic to win the battle.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Maia steal from Hephaestus?

2. Who is not a member of Faust's entourage that is mentioned in Scene 2 of Act III?

3. What power does Mephistopheles first offer Faust in Scene 1 of Act IV?

4. What event are the advisers of the emperor excited to plan in Scene 3 of Act IV?

5. What item does Havequick first want to plunder from the emperor in Scene 3 of Act IV?

(see the answer keys)

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