Farewell to Manzanar Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Farewell to Manzanar Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What worries Papa after the bombing of Hiroshima?
(a) He worries that he will be drafted into the military
(b) He worries about having to stay in the camp
(c) He fears that Japan will retaliate
(d) He fears all of his family is lost

2. What is Jeanne's return to school and outside life like?
(a) Easy
(b) Difficult
(c) Good
(d) Surprising

3. In 1942, the Supreme Court upholds the evacuation of Japanese-Americans due to what reason?
(a) Japanese American protection
(b) Japanese spying
(c) Wartime necessity
(d) German internment camps

4. How do Jeanne and her family deal with the memories of Manzanar?
(a) They go to therapy
(b) They discuss their experiences at family gatherings
(c) They write about their experiences in a family journal
(d) They don't talk about Manzanar

5. When Jeanne goes to Manzanar, she find everything ________.
(a) Run down
(b) Restored to what it was like when they arrived
(c) Exactly as they had left it
(d) Gone

6. What hobby does Papa begin to do?
(a) Curling
(b) Weight lifting
(c) Carving furniture
(d) Songwriting

7. Where does Woody go?
(a) 442nd Combat Regiment
(b) Terminal Island
(c) Dallas
(d) San Francisco

8. What does Papa sketch?
(a) The mountains
(b) His children
(c) The orchard
(d) The barbed wire fence

9. What reaction does Jeanne and her family get from others?
(a) Hatred
(b) Outrage
(c) Indifference
(d) Gratitude

10. What closes permanently in July of 1945?
(a) The Manzanar camp
(b) The mess hall at Manzanar
(c) The schools at Manzanar
(d) The draft for Japanese American soldiers

11. Who tells Woody that he looks like his father?
(a) Aunt Toyo
(b) Uncle Ko
(c) Aunt Chizu
(d) Aunt Lee

12. What helps alleviate the overcrowding in the camp?
(a) The Loyalty Oath
(b) The addition of five more camps for the detainees
(c) The influenza epidemic
(d) The expansion of the camp by one mile

13. At what lessons does Jeanne succeed?
(a) Ballet
(b) Baton twirling
(c) Knitting
(d) Cooking

14. What would Jeanne be horrified about if anyone asked her out on a date?
(a) The apartment the family lives in
(b) Her lack of money
(c) Her Japanese ancestry
(d) Papa's behavior

15. What does Papa grow on the land he leases?
(a) Oranges
(b) Lettuce
(c) Strawberries
(d) Broccoli

Short Answer Questions

1. Jeanne feels sorry for the teacher of which lessons?

2. Where does Mama go to work?

3. Jeanne's family moves closer to what in the camp?

4. Why did the family erect a gravestone with Papa's name on it?

5. What is Jeanne named during her senior year?

(see the answer keys)

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