Farewell to Manzanar Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Farewell to Manzanar Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What draws families apart on Manzanar?
(a) The separate men's and women's sections
(b) The close quarters
(c) The barbed wire
(d) Sickness

2. What is surprising about the morning at the wharf?
(a) Jeanne is given an engagement ring
(b) The fishing fleet comes back
(c) Jeanne's father has a heart attack
(d) A whale washes up on the beach

3. What is the reservoir crew given as protection?
(a) Ax handles
(b) Tear gas
(c) Slingshots
(d) Rifles

4. How many times do Mama and Papa run away together?
(a) Six
(b) None
(c) Twice
(d) Four

5. What does Papa do to Mama?
(a) Threatens her with his cane
(b) Breaks her leg
(c) Brings her flowers
(d) Forces her to sleep outside

6. Where was Mama born?
(a) Canada
(b) Japan
(c) Hawaii
(d) California

7. Who has meals brought to him or her instead of eating in the mess hall?
(a) Jeanne
(b) Mama
(c) Granny
(d) Woody

8. What does Jeanne's father burn?
(a) Jeanne's birth certificate
(b) Papers on his Japanese military service
(c) Their tea set
(d) Papers identifying him as a native Japanese

9. Where does Papa go after leaving Japan?
(a) Hawaii
(b) Canada
(c) Seattle
(d) San Diego

10. What does the family make a down payment on just before Pearl Harbor?
(a) A house
(b) A car
(c) A farm
(d) A boat

11. What occurs exactly one year after Pearl Harbor?
(a) Japan's surrender
(b) The United States enters the war
(c) The December Riot
(d) Papa dies of a heart attack

12. Why does Jeanne's Mom pack heavy coats for them?
(a) She knows it can get cold in the mountains
(b) She doesn't want the buyers to get them
(c) So they will have something to sleep on
(d) So they can hide items in the pockets

13. Where is Wakatsuki Ko interviewed?
(a) Ocean Park
(b) Fort Lincoln
(c) Manzanar
(d) Fort Leavenworth

14. What does the sandstorm do?
(a) Blows down the barbed wire
(b) Puts out the electricity
(c) Hides the soldiers outside the camp
(d) Contaminates the water supply

15. With what is Papa charged?
(a) Spying on the Long Beach Navel station
(b) Sending messages to the Japanese military
(c) Plotting to bomb
(d) Delivering oil to Japanese submarines

Short Answer Questions

1. What hurts Mama's pride?

2. What does the FBI find in many of the houses they search?

3. How long is it between the time that Jeanne's father is arrested and the next time that they see him?

4. What is a common condition in the camp?

5. What do many Americans fear that all Japanese are doing?

(see the answer keys)

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