Euripides V Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Euripides V Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who welcomes Dionysus after he escapes the stable?
(a) Medusa.
(b) Agave.
(c) Pentheus.
(d) Coryphaeus.

2. Who is the blind prophet in The Phoenician Women?
(a) The pedagogue.
(b) Menoeceus.
(c) Cartamus.
(d) Teiresius.

3. Who makes up the chorus in The Bacchae?
(a) The Argive Bacchae.
(b) The Asian Bacchae.
(c) The Armenian Bacchae.
(d) The Trojan Bacchae.

4. Dionysus leads Pentheus away, saying that who will bring him back in her arms?
(a) Ios.
(b) Athena.
(c) Himself.
(d) Agave.

5. Who comes to tell Pentheus of the women performing miracles on the mountain?
(a) Teiresius.
(b) Agave.
(c) A herdsman.
(d) Dionysus.

6. On what mountain are the wild women performing miracles in The Bacchae?
(a) Mount Olympus.
(b) Mount Cithaeron.
(c) Mount Hellene.
(d) Mount Cyprus.

7. Dionysus says that Pentheus must dress how to avoid being killed by the celebrants?
(a) As Zeus.
(b) As a woman.
(c) As a shepherd.
(d) As Dionysus.

8. Eteocles decrees anyone who buries his brother in Thebes be what?
(a) Imprisoned.
(b) Killed.
(c) Exiled.
(d) Fined.

9. Who takes a sword and stabs herself in the end of The Phoenician Women?
(a) Jocasta.
(b) Electra.
(c) Antigone.
(d) Creon.

10. After the battle in The Phoenician Women, who enters, crying for his son's death?
(a) Teiresius.
(b) Oedipus.
(c) Creon.
(d) Jocasta.

11. Who is killed by stones dropped from the wall in the battle in The Phoenician Women?
(a) Cartemus.
(b) Antigone.
(c) Parthenopaeus.
(d) Eteocles.

12. In the Phoenician Women, who does Ares seek revenge against?
(a) Cadmus.
(b) Creon.
(c) Oedipus.
(d) Eteocles.

13. What does Menoeceus do during the battle in The Phoenician Women?
(a) Kills Aegisthus.
(b) Kills Teiresius.
(c) Sacrifices himself.
(d) Kills Creon.

14. Who does Creon tell Eteocles has captured an opposing soldier?
(a) Thebes.
(b) Argives.
(c) Athenians.
(d) Trojans.

15. Whose life does the chorus bemoan before the battle in The Phoenician Women?
(a) Polyneices'.
(b) Antigone's.
(c) Eteocles'.
(d) Oedipus'.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who has been gossiping that Dionysus is NOT the son of Zeus?

2. Who is Antigone's betrothed husband the son of?

3. What natural disaster does Dionysus call forth in The Bacchae?

4. Who is the new leader of Thebes at the end of The Phoenician Women?

5. What is reported that the women tore apart with bare hands in The Bacchae?

(see the answer keys)

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