Eugene Onegin Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Eugene Onegin Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Eugene agree to go to the celebration household?
(a) Vladimir Lensky asks him to as a favor to him.
(b) He is afraid of offending the family.
(c) He wants to see Tatyana.
(d) All of the above.

2. What does the narrator find charming in women?
(a) Coyness in love.
(b) Fluency in multiple languages.
(c) Russian spoken poorly.
(d) An attempt to write poetry.

3. Which of the following does Eugene tell Tatyana in response to her letter?
(a) He is already sworn to another.
(b) He does not love her.
(c) If he were inclined to marry, she would be his choice.
(d) None of the above.

4. To whom does the narrator claim to devote this poem?
(a) The feet of Terpsichore.
(b) To the yet unforeseen muse of the future.
(c) Nobody.
(d) His lost love.

5. What does Tatyana say in her letter to Eugene Onegin?
(a) All of the above.
(b) She shrinks with shame and fear.
(c) She wishes he had never come to the country.
(d) She would have kept her love secret if she knew she would occasionally see him

6. What does the narrator say of the literature of his time?
(a) That it used to be about honesty and virtue.
(b) It makes vice attractive.
(c) It worships vampires.
(d) All of the above.

7. What does the narrator want with the author of THE FEASTS?
(a) To translate Tatyana's letter into Russian.
(b) None of the above.
(c) To compose an elegy to Tatyana.
(d) To show him where to take this story.

8. Which of the following characters were designed as literary foils for each other?
(a) Eugene Onegin and Vladimir Lensky.
(b) Olga and her mother.
(c) Tatyana's father and Eugene Onegin.
(d) Eugene Onegin and his neighbors.

9. What happens after the death of Tatyana's father?
(a) Everybody mourns him.
(b) Tatyana and her family are plunged into poverty.
(c) Tatyana inherits the estate.
(d) His wife feels finally free.

10. What message does Vladimir Lensky pass on to Eugene Onegin while visiting him in the winter?
(a) That the Larin family is offended he hasn't ever come to visit again.
(b) That Tatyana has moved to the city.
(c) That he is invited to Tatyana's name day celebration.
(d) That Olga begs him to come to a party at their house.

11. What does Eugene find when he reaches his uncle's estate in the country?
(a) That he lacks all his beloved comforts of home.
(b) That country girls are charming.
(c) That his uncle has already died.
(d) That his father has sent all his books to him there.

12. What was Tatyana most fond of growing up?
(a) Sewing.
(b) Playing with other girls.
(c) Learning city manners.
(d) Dark stories.

13. What caused Tatyana's mother great sadness in her youth?
(a) Her family disowned her when she eloped with her husband.
(b) Her true love died in battle.
(c) She was separated from the man she loved to marry Tatyana's father.
(d) Her parents died when she was very young.

14. What does Eugene Onegin think of the country?
(a) He enjoys having an estate of his own to run.
(b) After two days he is bored with it.
(c) He pines for the grandeur of the city.
(d) He feels at home and at peace.

15. What do the neighbors think of Eugene after he rejects Tatyana?
(a) The neighbors think he must be very rich.
(b) The neighbors blame and slander him.
(c) All of the above.
(d) The neighbors are sure it's a ploy and they will marry.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following best describes how the narrator describes Olga?

2. On a typical day, the young Eugene Onegin would....

3. What could be found in Eugene Onegin's private rooms?

4. Who is Tatyana?

5. How does Tatyana imagine herself and Eugene Onegin?

(see the answer keys)

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