Entertaining Mr. Sloane Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Entertaining Mr. Sloane Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Kath bring out to show Sloane at the end of Act One?
(a) Her locket.
(b) Her boyfriend.
(c) Photographs.
(d) Her dog.

2. In Act One, what does Kath say she buys the Dadda but he cannot stand?
(a) Eye glasses.
(b) Foam rubber pillows.
(c) A walking cane.
(d) Feather pillows.

3. Which character says, "I had a boy... killed in very sad circumstances"?
(a) Sloane.
(b) Kath.
(c) Kemp.
(d) Ed.

4. Where does Kath meet Sloane?
(a) At church.
(b) The pub.
(c) At the shop.
(d) The library.

5. What does Sloane suggest Kemp do about the neighborhood situation?
(a) Contact someone with pull on the council.
(b) Arrange to meet with a lawyer.
(c) Speak with his father.
(d) Call the police.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Kemp do during his first conversation with Sloane?

2. Which character says, "I could still identify you"?

3. Which character says, "Drinking I don't mind. Drugs I abhor. You'll get to know all my habits"?

4. Where does Ed say he and his "mate" are together?

5. Whom does Kath say that Sloane is almost the same age as?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Kemp respond to Sloane's story of the happenings with Kemp's boss?

2. What is Sloane's reasoning behind the death of Kemp?

3. What happens 20 years ago between Ed and Kemp? What is their relationship now because of it?

4. What is Sloane's reaction to Kath's pregnancy? What does he say?

5. What is "Sloane's account" of his interaction with Kemp's boss?

6. What is the "solution" which Ed decides to the predicament at the end of the play?

7. At which point in Act Three does Sloane lose the upper hand?

8. What does Sloane tell Kath when she asks him about striking Kemp? What is her reply?

9. Where is the play set? What is the house like? Where is it?

10. Describe the character of Sloane. How old is he? What is his appearance like?

(see the answer keys)

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