The Electric Michelangelo Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Sarah Hall
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Electric Michelangelo Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Sarah Hall
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Riley die?
(a) Hangs himself.
(b) Slips and cracks his head and drowns in the bay.
(c) Is murdered by the man who smashes his fingers.
(d) Suicide by drinking bleach.

2. Where does Riley take Cy for his first visit to a pub?
(a) The Partidge Tree.
(b) The Lion's Den.
(c) The Dog and Pony Inn.
(d) The Dog and Partridge.

3. Why does Cy's mother board these "guests"?
(a) These guests pay her bills.
(b) She believes it is her duty.
(c) She is a saint.
(d) Her husband forces her to do so.

4. Where does Cy work?
(a) In a print shop in the afternoons.
(b) At the stables.
(c) In a bakery.
(d) In a blacksmith shop.

5. What does Reeda admit to Cy?
(a) That she was once married to Mr. Riley.
(b) That she is performing abortions.
(c) That Cy is not her biological son.
(d) That she knows Riley.

6. What does Riley offer Cy?
(a) An apprenticeship.
(b) A few dollars a week to help him.
(c) A message for his mother.
(d) A truce.

7. What regularly claims victims among children and tourists?
(a) The local pickpocket.
(b) The strange illnesses brought in through the port.
(c) Morecambe's quicksand pools.
(d) The strange riptides.

8. With what does Cy decide he needs help?
(a) Getting to America.
(b) His chemistry homework.
(c) Wooing the girl with whom he is in love.
(d) Learning how to do tattoos.

9. Who is Muriel?
(a) Morris's mother.
(b) Reeda's older sister.
(c) Reeda's lover.
(d) Reeda's secret partner.

10. Who is Colin Willacy?
(a) Cy's grandfather.
(b) The headmaster at Cy's school.
(c) Cy's mother's lawyer.
(d) Cy's uncle.

11. How does Morecambe celebrate the coming armistice?
(a) By closing school for the day.
(b) With a carnival.
(c) By fireworks.
(d) With a prayer meeting.

12. How does Jonty describe Mr. Riley?
(a) A cool tattoo artist.
(b) A lunatic.
(c) A underworld spy.
(d) An undesirable papist who buys pigs' heads for ungodly purposes.

13. What does Cy discover on Riley's body?
(a) Fitting verses tattooed on Riley's right sole.
(b) A tribute tattooed to Reeda.
(c) A tattoo for every year of Riley's life.
(d) No tattoos.

14. About whom does Riley lecture Cy?
(a) Michelangelo.
(b) Rembrandt.
(c) Leonardo DeVinci.
(d) Vermeer.

15. How does Cy respond to what he sees in the basin?
(a) Excitement.
(b) Curiosity.
(c) Fear.
(d) Disgust.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Muriel's occupation?

2. Why does Cy climb a building?

3. What do people know?

4. Who does not feel like maggots in an infected carcass, as they are regarded in the nicer end of town?

5. How do women's tattoos differ from men's?

(see the answer keys)

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