The Electric Michelangelo Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Sarah Hall
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Electric Michelangelo Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Sarah Hall
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Reeda admit to Cy?
(a) That Cy is not her biological son.
(b) That she was once married to Mr. Riley.
(c) That she is performing abortions.
(d) That she knows Riley.

2. Where does Riley want to be buried?
(a) He wants to be cremated.
(b) At sea.
(c) In his homeland of Russia.
(d) At the hillside cemetary.

3. Why do the town council's junctions bother Reeda?
(a) Because she didn't have the money for the fine.
(b) Because Cy had to do community service one day.
(c) Because she believes the human body is nothing of which to be ashamed.
(d) Because she had to pick up litter one day.

4. What confuses Cy?
(a) Where is father is.
(b) Why he is not attending school.
(c) Watching his mother care for sobbing women who visit in the middle of the night.
(d) Why his mother cries for strangers.

5. What does Cy realize about life?
(a) That it is never wonderful.
(b) That it is always wonderful.
(c) That it can be messy and cruel.
(d) That he is old enough to understand the vagaries of life.

6. Who is Muriel?
(a) Reeda's secret partner.
(b) Morris's mother.
(c) Reeda's older sister.
(d) Reeda's lover.

7. What can Riley not bear to inscribe on Cy?
(a) Any religious symbols.
(b) Reeda's name.
(c) The word death.
(d) The name of Cy's lover.

8. What does Cy begin to do?
(a) Draw a book of designs.
(b) Create a name for himself.
(c) Tattoo some of Riley's customers.
(d) Have sex with some of the willing customers.

9. What does Cy not really understand?
(a) That his mother and Muriel perform abortions.
(b) That his mother does tattoos.
(c) That he is going to a boarding school.
(d) That electricity is dangerous.

10. How old is Cy when the book opens?
(a) 15.
(b) 7.
(c) 10.
(d) 1.

11. Who does Cy recognize?
(a) A policeman who accepts bribes from his mother.
(b) A man down the street as the thief who stole his bike.
(c) A woman who used to live at the boarding house.
(d) Reeba's helper.

12. What does fine-line hatching do?
(a) Tricks the eye into seeing three dimensions.
(b) Causes scar tissue.
(c) Creates a wavy image.
(d) Causes much blood loss.

13. For what does Cy use the last of Reeda's money?
(a) To buy a third-class ticket to America.
(b) A sea coffin for Riley.
(c) To refurbish his tattoo parlour.
(d) To send Riley's body to Russia.

14. With what does Cy decide he needs help?
(a) Learning how to do tattoos.
(b) Wooing the girl with whom he is in love.
(c) His chemistry homework.
(d) Getting to America.

15. How does Cy's routine begin?
(a) With the question, "Ready?"
(b) By tapping three times on the table for luck.
(c) By outlining in pencil the work area.
(d) By singing a song to himself.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens to Riley at Moffat Revine?

2. From what do most of the boarders at Cy's home suffer?

3. How does Cy respond to what he sees in the basin?

4. About what is Riley a stickler?

5. When does Cy advance to freehand images?

(see the answer keys)

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