Elbow Room Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Elbow Room Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following characters is considered an instant hero?
(a) Nelson.
(b) Megan.
(c) Ruth.
(d) Harold.

2. What do Harold's children see that upsets them?
(a) Their father being taken away by the police.
(b) Watching him being picked on in the news.
(c) Their friends throwing stones at their father's stores.
(d) Realizing their father is a cheat

3. What does the speaker say that everything has?
(a) A purpose.
(b) A price.
(c) A desire.
(d) A need.

4. For what does Nelson claim to be a sucker?
(a) The white man's supremacy.
(b) Words of Jesus.
(c) The belief that things will change.
(d) Harold's price schemes.

5. About what does the woman who sits next to the Fosters complain?
(a) The countries visited.
(b) The lack of conversation.
(c) The people with whom she has to eat.
(d) The food.

6. What has Louis learned that Clair might do?
(a) Marry him.
(b) Leave the dinner early.
(c) Act in a movie.
(d) Run for office.

7. What does Mrs. Richards say when Louis asks if Clair is close to anyone?
(a) She is looking or someone with whom to fall in love.
(b) She has a man who she loves dearly.
(c) She is dating someone secretly.
(d) She has never been close to anyone in her life.

8. What does Thomas use to sell insurances policies?
(a) Reactions to others.
(b) Death as a long happiness.
(c) Paranoia.
(d) Fears and love.

9. What does Clair have a command of that Louis admires?
(a) Rhetoric.
(b) The audience.
(c) Fashion.
(d) Makeup.

10. Which of the following women does Louis know he loves?
(a) Fredricka
(b) Loretta.
(c) Clair.
(d) Viola.

11. For what is the narrator searching?
(a) How God sees the end of the world.
(b) The meaning of life.
(c) His one true love.
(d) The definition of love.

12. What does Louis keep thinking of as he attends the dinner?
(a) Women.
(b) Movies.
(c) Drinks.
(d) Animals.

13. What do the Asians insist the Bulgarian do when he is cornered?
(a) Commit hara-kiri.
(b) Come with them to the embassy.
(c) Call the police.
(d) Return their possessions.

14. In the story, what is said to be the only one book that offers a suitable religion for businessmen?
(a) Torah.
(b) Bible.
(c) Koran.
(d) Writings.

15. What name does Fredricka prefer not to be called?
(a) Freddy.
(b) Freda.
(c) Sister.
(d) Ricky.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Viola do when she meets Louis?

2. What does Jones denies kept Charles and Jones from being friends?

3. How do the other diners look at the people involved in the theft?

4. With what color does Harold say is the only color that he is concerned?

5. What subject did Thomas love in college?

(see the answer keys)

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