Elbow Room Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Elbow Room Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did Marie Gilmore attend Butler's church?
(a) To question him.
(b) To ask for others to leave the church.
(c) To make fun of Butler.
(d) To listen to the sermon.

2. What does the man do to R.V. that causes him to order Aubrey to take him out?
(a) Calls the police.
(b) Punches him in the face.
(c) Takes his gun away.
(d) Trips R.V. and causes him to fall.

3. With what does Wilson have an odd fascination?
(a) Milford's silver hair.
(b) Winfield's red handkerchief.
(c) Farragot's earrings.
(d) Farragot's expression.

4. What is Farragot concerned about when she whispers to Milford?
(a) The fact that she is not allowed to speak yet.
(b) The fact that the white officer is testifying.
(c) The female judge.
(d) Lie detectors and being railroaded.

5. Why does Ray say he is moving to a new parlor?
(a) He cannot stand Butler.
(b) He has a family to support.
(c) He and his family are moving their home.
(d) He wants to try some new cuts.

6. How many doctors has the woman seen?
(a) 4.
(b) 1.
(c) 2.
(d) 3.

7. How did the narrator indicate he hurt his nose?
(a) While making love.
(b) While working .
(c) While riding a bike.
(d) While running after his child.

8. Which of the following doesn't Tommy's father threaten to do to Butler?
(a) Shut down the Butler's barbershop.
(b) Run all the "Toms" out of town.
(c) Give him his own haircut.
(d) Shut down Butler's church.

9. What does she say about the first doctor?
(a) He was a plastic surgeon.
(b) He stitched her up like a turkey.
(c) He said the stabbing was her fault.
(d) He refused to touch her.

10. What does Mrs. Farragot explain to her attorney about Winfield?
(a) That he doesn't like white people.
(b) That he is intimidated by judges.
(c) That he often talks around a point.
(d) That he doesn't know what to say.

11. What does Dewey wear to show people he is fearless?
(a) Willis's clothes.
(b) Gun.
(c) Purple beret.
(d) Slick's bar shirt.

12. Why is Tarwell considering hiring Butler as an assistant pastor?
(a) To allow the two congregations to join.
(b) So Tarwell can go into politics.
(c) To rejoin the black community.
(d) To make Butler feel useful.

13. How many years is Billy at the farm before he is paroled?
(a) 5.
(b) 10.
(c) 7.
(d) 15.

14. Which of the following characters seems deeply moved by Farragot's story?
(a) Wilson.
(b) Milford.
(c) Smothers.
(d) Winfield.

15. What does Dewey insist Willis must do?
(a) Declare his loyalty.
(b) Leave immediately.
(c) Kill Slick.
(d) Go and find the police.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is looking for Billy at the end of the tale?

2. How does the author describe Mrs. Farragot as Milfird sees her?

3. What was the most important question that the narrator wants to ask?

4. Why does the narrator's father refuse to write him another note?

5. What does Willis say to R.V.?

(see the answer keys)

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